Return of the Kitty Pictures!

Mar 05, 2006 21:31

I had to feed the kitties supper before sitting back down at the computer, and then they were being all cute and stuff, so I decided to break my long kitty-picture-posting-hiatus before sittin' down to vid.

I feed these guys raw now, so when I get offered something like a squirrel, I take it. All four of the kitties (and Miles) loooove squirrel. And Lily in particular loooves squirrel *tails*. She runs around with them, attacking them, throwing them, and growling bloody-murder if I act like I'm gonna grab it from her. And since she's such a cutie pie when she thinks she's being tough, well, duh, I try to take it from her all the time. ;)

The little whirlwind that appears when the tail comes out to play.

My tail! ::swipe::

I said, *my* tail! Rawr!

MY TAIL! Grrrrr....

Y' humans don't listen worth crap sometimes.

Boo Boo chillin' in a pizza warming bag.

My handsome little troublemaker.

Chillin' again, this time in their pimped out kitty bed.

Sasha hiding in the kitty bed prior to pimping. Back when it wasn't infested with so many boy-kitty cooty bugs.

Sasha in the bathroom window. Back when there was grass. And sun. ::cries::

Sasha using sleeping Gerry as a booster chair, so she can rest her head on the arm for optimal comfortability.

Turns out it was the perfect place to sit and watch the fish tank in that corner.

Gerry gets used as a kitty bed fairly often while he's sleeping.

Corki sleeping on some of the other prime sleeping estate in the house.

It's just so easy to take pictures of them when they don't move. ;D

Corki on the porch. Clearly not recent, as the only one that wants to be on the porch in the winter is Miles.

Corki and her OMGFAVORITETOYEVER! I once lifted her a foot of the ground just by her death grip on that piece of fleece.

And I feel bad leaving Miles out. Mmmm, peanut butter.

Fluffy puppy!

::Lily waves goodbye with her only back foot::

The End!

rawfeeding, puppy pics, kitty pics

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