Insane January Vidding Project! : Version Dualbunny

Dec 11, 2005 20:10

I so caved. Add one more crazy person to the list. My version is slightly different, but not too different from sdwolfpup's. I also stole plenty of her rules. :]

Go nuts if you feel so inclined. ;D

The What: You give me a vid idea, character, pairing, whatever, involving one of the fandoms listed below and I will make, minimum, a one minute vidlet for you. If your idea is something you'd really love to see a full vid for, that's also on the table. If you're super super flexible in respect to being on call and what not, there may even be time for a beta. If your idea is focused on one verse or chorus of a song, etc., or you want to be very kind to me, than a vidlet is probably the way to go.

My goal is to make either one full vid every three days or one vidlet a day until I have the right number of vids. Which will be...either 14 vidlets or 7 full vids (::faints::) or some combination of the two. I'll start posting them the first week in January, and they'll finish either the second or third week, depending on what the requests are. I am beating this deadline addiction, dammit. Then we can stop hurting each other, and neither of us will have to explode in a fiery ball of dust to prove anything to the other.

The Why: Insanity is hanging around here too? And I'm easily influenced by other kickass vidders. And I found out this past summer that it is totally fun to vid with collaborators. I'm thinking maybe I'm ready to add some crack to that mix.

I'm not promising something technically new and innovative for each vid/vidlet--though anything's possible. ;) I want to do this, because I found that vidding a song for someone else was a chance to pull apart a puzzle and figure out how a vid idea I didn't come up with ticked from the inside, rather than doing that from the outside to vids that are already finished--usually I'm too overwhelmed by the shiny/emotions/genius to get very far analzying anything that way anyhow. And to be honest, I like it that way. I *like* not being able to wrap my head around how someone else works. The mystery just adds to the attraction, and makes those DVD commentaries especially interesting. But I still want to try and expand the way ideas hit me, increase my vidding vocabulary if you will.

So basically I want to share a vidding sandbox with you cool people for a couple of weeks, if you're interested. :]

The When: Sign-ups will be open until Dec. 25th, unless they actually filll up before that. If they don't fill up, I'll take second requests or make up some of my own, hee. ;D

The How: Reply to this post with the following information -

Fandom: (from below list)
Episode (if applicable), Character, or Pairing (please specify romantic, friendship, or don’t care):
Song Title:
Song Artist:
Do you have a copy of the song? (not mandatory):
You would really like this to be a full vid/vidlet (please specify if it matters to you):

You all know how this works by now. My song collection is not all that huge, so if you suggest a song, I will quite likely be begging you for it first. Then I'll just beg the rest of my f-list. And then I'll beg sdwolfpup's f-list, because this is all her fault. ;} After that I'll take my chances with the internets.

Feel free to give me extra detail about the vid idea if you'd like. Either here, or by email, or by owl, or whatever.

The Who: Whoever wants to play. :] Y'know, it wasn't until I got to start handing out vidlet ideas myself that I really understood how much fun it would be to make someone else do the hard work. *g*

The Limitations: I have to really like your idea. Hee! Nonono, just kidding. I will *make* myself really like your idea. You just have to supply it. And it has to be from one of the fandoms listed below. I'll take any kind of music you want to throw at me, though like everyone else, I will probably refuse songs that have been vidded lots already or are in my own folder currently. But that folder is all that big, so you're probably good.

The Fandoms: And here we have the reason for the season. Getting to fall in love all over again. :} And over and over and over again.

TV Shows
Angel (all seasons, DVD)
Battlestar Galactica 2003 (mini, season 1 on DVD, season 2 non-DVD)
Buffy (all seasons, DVD)
Cowboy Bebop (all eps, DVD)
Dead Like Me (season 1 on DVD, would gladly take the excuse to finally go buy season 2 on DVD, but I do have it on the computer)
Dr. Who (2005) (non DVD, just begging me for a reason to finally sit down and go through them)
Firefly (all eps DVD, and will have Serenity by then)
My Name Is Earl (non-DVD, what has aired)
Veronica Mars (season 1 on DVD, what has aired of season 2 non-DVD)
Samurai Champloo (first twenty or so eps, DVD, whatever's been released in the US)
Supernatural (what has aired non-DVD)
Wonderfalls (season 1 DVD)

Whatever the heck you want. I'll go to the video store if I don't have it. Anything to keep me from having to list what I have here. Unless someone begs me to to help with ideas.

So, there may be one other small reason that I've jumped onto this. It's called, "I Want To Sleep In A Bed Again Someday Very Very Soon". If I say I'm going to vid the first three weeks in January, then I *have* to make sure the bedroom project is finished before that. Plus I'll actually have to get ahead on real work too. So, either this will be a very very good thing for me...or a very very very bad thing. But sleeping in a bed! After 10 months of not having a real one, and 6 months of sleeping on the floor! What *wouldn't* that motivate you to do?

vidding, ijvp

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