First off, all of the fannish people reading this should go join the
Fandom Holiday Gift Card Exchange that
boniblithe is graciously organizing. You get to write and recieve a Holiday card from a fandom character! Whee! :D I am still agonizing over my choices...
And I got tagged for a music meme by
_par_avion. Which is going to be tough, because I listen to music so...sporadically. And I've gathered that's a bit odd for someone who likes making vids (any other vidders who only listen to music once a week, maybe, if it's not in someone else's vid? Or your own?), but this has been ingrained since my junior high years. I am music-listening impaired, though Gerry has gone a long way to helping me improve. As has my f-list. ;] Anyway, here goes, we'll see how many I can come up with.
7 Songs Meme
List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your Livejournal along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.
1."Deja Vu" by Something for Kate - I clearly blame
f1renze for this one. ;} It's been playing through my head at random moments since I first got to see the vid.
2. "Hand Me Down" by The Wallflowers - And I blame
rabid1st for this one. ;D Again, a vid I watched repeatedly and thus burned the song into my brain.
3. "Hey Man, Nice Shot" by Filter - To-be-vidded song of my own. It makes me swing my head all funny, regardless of the number of repeats. Although I remain bitter that Stay abused it for their crappy trailer.
4. "Yellow Brick Road" by Kris Delmhorst - I would love to know who it was that uploaded this, because I really like it. I've put it in my vidding ideas folder, but I liked it way before that. :]
5. "Until Tomorrow" by Juliana Hatfield - This has been in my vidding ideas folder (are you sensing a theme here?) for a while, with no real ideas for it until recently. Mostly I just like it. It's sad and pretty, I guess.
Yeah, I'm running're probably just going to get more vid ideas... ::scratches head:: Uhm, let's break the rules and see what the waaaay back machine has instead. Songs I was in love with when I was in early high school (i.e. they were on one of the 8 cassettes I owned):
6. "Cool Rider" Michelle Pfeiffer from the Grease 2 soundtrack - Dude, I totally wanted a Cool Rider.
7. "Superman's Song" by The Crash Test Dummies - I was a wee bit obsessed with Superman. And well, I still am, but he has a lot more competition these days.
And if you were silly enough to look at a tag-meme, I tag...
pipsqueakyad_kaybeamer242saavariver_boatvryakeswindhover And doing it is optional. This time. ::cue evil laughing::
As I move toward a state of the me post, I shall now do a state of the apple tree snippet. Which is close to a state of the me thingy, because I own the apple tree, and I am the one who picked a bunch of apples last weekend. I'm going to hoard them in the basement this year and see if they last longer than when I hoard them on the porch and they freeze and thaw constantly. I'm getting a itsy bit tired of cleaning out rotten apple slime every spring. :P
But who really cares about picking apples. There was me, a ladder, some containers, and an fruit picker. Oh. And that one bastard apple that fell down and smashed my nose and made me cry. Other than that it was pretty boring. Until I stopped picking apples! Because I saw this little dude sitting up in one of the apple clusters...
I shall scare you away with my ridiculously cute unblinking stare...
It totally worked. Little cutie was actually dozing through all of my other apple picking until I saw it and moved my ladder closer to get a picture. And the not-blinking might be kind of creepy if it wasn't so darn cute. Wasn't any bigger than about two apples put together, and these aren't huge apples.
::makes cutesy faces at the wittle owl some more::