Having learned my lesson after my first year of working at the college and finding out I was actually going to be paying in for state taxes and getting hardly anything back for federal, the big bucks I let the federal government use for free all year are scheduled to be coming back to me within the next week or so. Ok, not that big-of-bucks, and I don't even get to spend them since that was done long ago with the gutters and a credit card, but still. I love e-filing. Although I loved it even more when filing my state taxes was as free as filing the federal ones.
And here is the cat I mentioned. Lily was kind enough to help me print out copies of my tax forms. She's so multi-talented.
And this one is for
She's sending lots of good kitteny vibes your way!
And come on everybody, the bestest winter holiday this side of X-mas is almost here! Half-Off Chocolate Day! I can hardly stand the wait, and I'm not even that much of a chocolate fiend. Midnight: February 15th. The Evil Wal-mart. Be there or risk someone else getting the good stuff.
Plus you get to mock all the ridiculously huge stuffed animals in various shades of magenta that no one wanted to declare their undying love with. Poor ugly unwanted eyesores...