What, no kittens?

Nov 11, 2004 03:28

Actually, I have plenty of kitten pictures left, but I feel like I should be breaking them up a little.  ;)

In un-kitten news, I reformatted and reinstalled XP on my computer.  I also made another push on my credit card (last one besides dentist?) and bought more RAM and two new hard drives.  Since I use my home computer for work, and since they were upgrades I intended to do even when I was first ordering it, I don't feel too bad.  Plus all the new memory is just so shiny.

My hard drive was getting so full and choppy (defragmenting wasn't doing much of anything anymore) that it took forever to do anything that involved it.  Which is almost everything.  Plus it was becoming a game of "what will make Windows Explorer crash this time?"  And will it happen five minutes after logging on, or wait until I'm in the middle of something?  Not anymore!  For now.  This may have persuaded me to join the ranks of people who reinstall once a year to clean things up.

And I'm getting all these newer program versions to replace things like Semagic.  Look, I can see the icon I'm going to use!  Hee.  And I finally downloaded Bittorrent.  Which meant I finally managed to get episode 10 from this season's "Dead Like Me".  I don't think I'm going to bother reinstalling my newsgroup stuff.  And now I know why people feel so warm and fuzzy about being able to share and download at the same time so easily.

On the downside of things, Lily and Boo were curled up together behind my monitors being really cute.  That is not the downside, actually.  The bad part was when I grabbed my digital camera to snap a picture of them, and pretty much just threw it on the floor instead.


The button that controls, oh, pretty much everything, got jammed and partially broken.  Gerry immediately volunteered to take it apart for me, and he got everything realigned.  The button is softer than before, but if I don't pitch it on the ground again, it should be ok.  If I treated the thing like I didn't want to ever break it, I'd never use it.  So I suppose this is the trade-off.  Mostly I'm just happy it still works.

In honor of it still working, I feel that I should post one kitty picture at least.  Especially since the LJ posting of them is reminding me to take more photos in the first place.  Just wait 'till I start trying to share video clips.

Lily in my video camera bag tonight.  She found out it was full of warm insulationy goodness.

computer, furkids, kitty pics

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