At least I'm not wet?

Dec 04, 2010 16:06

So I haven't stepped in the toilet again, but I did space out a little while making muffins this afternoon. I had just finished filling the muffin tray, and I licked some extra batter off my finger, like you do. Which led to me thinking, "WTF WHY DOES MY MOUTH TASTE LIKE SALTY AMARANTH FLOUR....OH WAIT."

Muffins are better when you remember to add the sugar, IJS. And you caaaan dump all your muffin batter back in your pan and add it in at the veeeerrrry end, but I highly recommend adding it when you're supposed to. Sometimes it's better not to experiment.

Oh, so those lonely little starlings I was feeling sorry for during our first big snow day? Two days later they came back with about 30 of their closest friends. This was my face -- D: But I guess my spread wasn't up to their standards. They loved playing, drinking, and crapping in my heated birdbath, but thought my selection of peanuts and black oil sunflower seeds was seriously lacking. I watched one throw up a peanut. (You're welcome.) They come back every few days to defile my birdbath again, but it's been manageable.

And then a few days ago I had six robins hanging out at the birdbath. That was weird. Haven't seen them since though. Maybe they were Canadian robins and it's just taking them longer than usual to get South.

Saw Deathly Hallows and enjoyed myself very much. God I have an itch to vid HP, but I reallllly want the last two parts to play with. Also several of my ideas are *awful* and should be delayed as long as possible. :P Also went and saw Tangled. Very cute and funny and it's about time my second favorite fairytale got done up.

I like fairytales where the hero gets tortured. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite, because damn, Beast is one tortured dude. It's all emotional, but he's seriously fucked up. Rapunzel's my second favorite because the hero falls off that tower and gets his eyes all bloodied and blinded by a giant thorn bush and has to wander the desert or whatever alone until she finally tracks him down and saves him with her magic tears. I always liked The Little Mermaid movie too, and I suspect now that it's because they almost drowned Eric. (Shocker: I enjoyed "On the Prowl" quite a lot. *g*)

In dreaming news, this morning I dreamt I was Elena from The Vampire Diaries. I woke up in a bed with Damon and tried to sex him up, but he turned me down. I was seriously miffed, and demanded he explain his about-face, but he just avoided me. Damn it. Later I was dream-making-out with radixiscat, and he fell asleep. He was very apologetic about how tired he was getting, and I told him it was ok, but still. *Damn it*. Message received subconscious! I will get the action I need on my own conscious time and stop BOTHERING YOU. Please. Go back to doing important things like hiding crushed eggshells from Annie Edison and planning karaoke events for Caroline Forbes.

Oh. Festivid status update! ::drummmmm rolllll:: I am still signed up! \o/ \o/ \o/ ::lalalallalalallas:: And on that note, I leave you with a tiny Toofy and Remy Snow Adventure Picspam.

Toofy enjoys a little catnip snow cone.

Remy: "What do you want to do today, Toofy?"
Toofy: "The same thing we do every day, Drooly Not-Cat."

::off to divide their world domination spoils::

Remy says, "Don't look, I think she's going to make muffins again."

remy, movies, picspam, dreams, kitty pics

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