Dear Festividder...I'm a horrible LJ-updater.

Oct 19, 2010 23:37

Oh good lord do I have a ridiculous list of things I keep meaning to write about. And I feel guilty about writing this letter when I have yet to complete a couple of bigbang things that just didn't work out for various reasons this summer, but if I don't write this now, it'll never happen. Which...would mean more if there was going to be something important in here, but whatever. :P

Dear Festividder,

I have complete faith in you. ;D You can't vid the wrong thing for me, because that's impossible. I'm open to any music and any takes on these sources. I don't have any specific songs in mind, but you can see my own vids for some of the stuff I like. There's lots I haven't vidded yet though. ;)

The Chronicles of Narnia series [Movie] - These movies are really pretty. I like pretty things. I have a complicated relationship with Aslan. I loved him dearly, thought he sort of reminded me of Jesus when I finished The Last Battle in junior high, and then felt like a complete dupe when I found out he *was* Jesus. ::shakes fist at C.S. Lewis:: But he's a lion! And I like the White Witch. And Caspian is pretty. The Pevensies...meh. I can be inspired to like them in vids, but they aren't my favorites. ;)

Dragonslayer [Movie] (safety) - I haven't seen this movie in...20 years probably. But I would consider a vid to it an excellent reason to watch it and introduce radixiscat to it. Plus I feel all movies from my childhood should be vidded. I know I am not alone in this. *g*

Godfather series [Movie] - I have never seen a vid to this. WHY. Maybe it is really hard to vid or something, but I promise I would love you just for trying. \o/

Gremlins 1 & 2 [Movie] - Ahahahahaa. Oh Gremlins. The first one scared me quite a bit, but that second one. Comedy gold to little me. I have seen one sort of viddish thing that had to do with Gremlins, but dammit, they deserve a vid-vid. Do it for Gizmo! ::melts:: Just don't do it after midnight. ::doesn't want to melt literally::

Indiana Jones series [Movie] - I crushed on Indy like...everyone? Hee. Thank you for this, Harrison. Someone should vid it. Or better yet, lots of someones should vid them. :D (Y'know, the three that actually count. :P)

La Belle Et La B�te - 1946 [Movie] (safety) - (Beauty And the Beast, Jean Cocteau version) - I've...never actually seen this. But it's been highly recommended to me several times. Recruit me! Please! :D :D :D

Saved! [Movie] (safety) - If you happen to vid Macaulay's character in this, I would probably have to love you forever. IJS.

vidding, festivids

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