Panelists Wanted! Looking for awesome volunteers who would like to talk about Structure at VVC!

Jul 17, 2010 12:20

Hi everyone! Now that that Vividcon is alllllmost close enough to touch, I'm hoping people have a pretty solid idea of whether they're coming and what they're interested in doing at the con itself! And I am really really hoping that for a few of you, that might involve being awesome participants in my Structure Redux panel. *g*

Backstory: I led a Structure panel in 2007. Try as I might, I couldn't seem to flesh it out into what *I* was hoping for. In talking with some of the other lovely attendees, I realized that was because I wanted to hear more from *you guys*. \o/ This panel will be more of a round-table format, with aims for plenty of audience participation as well. But some of that depends on the response I get! ::fingers firmly crossed::

This panel runs against the second half of Nearly New, so I understand that will undoubtedly affect who can volunteer and come, but I'm aiming for a nice range of thoughts and opinions when it comes to how vidders structure their own vids, implement their song choices, and view other vidders' work. If vid structure interests you at all, please consider checking out my questionnaire! I'm polling for opinions ahead of time in the hopes that a range of views can be provided for discussion and brainstorming.

I promise that I will do everything I can to keep this a relaxed, non-stressful panel--no public speaking skills are needed, but you're certainly welcome to come flaunt them if you feel like it. *g* I encourage people to view this as a great chance to dip your toes into being involved with a panel, minus all the extra stress and pressure that may seem to come with leading one. And if the attendance at my previous panel is an indication, there *are* people interested in hearing what you think about structure in vids! Even when there are awesome things playing in the room next door. ;)

Now, if you're still with me, and you are in fact interested, please either comment here, PM me on LJ, or drop me an email at thedevilbunny(at) I'll send you the questionnaire and then eagerly await your answers. As I mentioned, I'm looking for a range of responses, so I may not be able to include everyone. Then again, if no one's feeling chatty, you might see me back in this space begging for volunteers again in a week or two. ;D

A note to those not-attending the con, or who do not vid themselves: Please feel free to participate as well! I would be happy to share your opinions and thoughts (with or without credit, as you may desire) during the panel! If as a vidwatcher, you feel the questions I'd like to discuss are well within your interests, let me know! I think it could be very fun to work a non-vidding consumer of vids into the panel as well. :)

vid talk, vvc

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