yea i've been to tokyo several times before. My first Johnny's concert was at Yokohama Arena for Tackey & Tsubasa. Shibuya station is a popular place because that's where I saw Massu from NEWS. I didn't know who he was at first, only that'd I'd seen him before. Then I got lost on the way to Yokohama arena and then midway through the concert KAT-TUN (minus Akanishi) some others and MASSU! Lol I cracked up because I was like darn! I should have got directions from him.
Sorry for being totally random (DON'T BLAME ME, I NOTICED UCHI'S NEW PICTURES TODAY XD) but I'd like to ask about the location of the Johnny's "headquarter". I have tried to look for it everywhere and I swear I saw some map somewhere. D:
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