
(no subject)

May 23, 2004 19:14

Hurrah! as I survived my exam on Friday. In fact, apart from the three false starts on the first question, it went really rather well. (I think I nailed it in the end.) Then went out in the evening with Adrienne and Catherine, as they were celebrating finishing training to be doctory people! Was quite entertaining although I was possibly a little enthusistic in my beer consumption :-/

As a result, yesterday started really rather slowly, which was fine as it was my day off. Having done little more than read a bit and lounge about, at half five I got in touch with mofette and went to see her in Leeds for the evening, which was quite entertaining and involved eating many pretzels and pizza. Was good to see her, cos I haven't for aaages and we nattered lots and it was yayworthy and stuff. Even if she did show me the scary hippo. I will include extra *hugs* in here for her though.

Today I have mostly gone to church and helped with creche (screaming children! Hurrah!) and then been lazy and finally I am now getting on with some work. Am glad I'm seeing my GP tomorrow as then I can get painkillery drugs, which might mean that I can not end up having to lie down to do half my revision this exam session... On the plus side, despite my gratuitous not-niceness to my body this weekend, the cold seems to have gone away. And it's sunny again! Yay!

OK, OK. I'll go back to doing Relativistic Quantum now. Pfft.

Edit: Why does the mood icon for 'sore' look like I have a beret on? Are the French a nation of people in perpetual pain?
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