
(no subject)

May 18, 2004 11:03

V annoyed. I appear to have acquired a cold in time for exams. Which is exactly what happened last time! My immune system is obviously aware of exam stuff. (And it's nothing to do with stress or lack of sleep compromising my immune system, mmkay?!) Still, I picked up some co-codamols for my back on Saturday, so they're just getting used to fend of the bulk of the symptoms at the moment.

Still, I had a very strange dream about going up Everest with Sakura last night, and she kept nearly losing Kero. And there were lots of dead spirits which you really didn't want to let into the cab. (Not sure why, but you didn't. I think maybe they possessed you or something.) I think this probably stems from a combination of my fevered (well, coldified) brain and the fact that I was reading the SGR book last night before I went to bed, in which there was the zombie Shelley. Hmmm.

But before I read the Zombie Shelley story before I went to bed last night, I got very stressed out and annoyed because I was convinced I had the Sasser worm. I was mostly very annoyed about this because Windows update runs automatically on a regular basis and I have an up to date virus checker and I've got a blinking Linux firewall inbetween me and the world!!!! But given that when I got shut off from the interweb last night by turning my server off, my System CPU usage went up through the roof, and then I discovered I had a program called lsass running, I got a bit worried. So I downloaded the lastest virus defs from AVG, which didn't spot anything, and then I ran Windows update and discovered that I hadn't got the patch for the Sasser hole (which is odd, given that the update program ran last week...) I went grrrrrr! But then it turned out when I ran the little utility that I *didn't* have the blinking worm. So I still have no idea why my box keeps rebooting itself randomly sometimes. Grr!

I think the upshot of all of this is that when I finish my exams I will be trying to actually get Linux set up so it works on this box.
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