Oct 16, 2005 22:27
Well, its been a few days but I'm back.
I have been back and forth to Bruce's for the past two weeks. Its been fun tho. I got a little pissed at him tho cuz he ditched me on Friday. We were supposed to go to a haunted house but he ended up going to the bar w/ Jay. And he went without me after saying that I could come. He didn't come back till 3 in the morning. I was so pissed. Other than that I had some fun. Saturday we went to the bar but I didn't have very much fun. I felt so out of place. That is his world, not mine. I really don't fit in there. And the worst part, Mary and Crystal Bono were there. It also amazes me how Bruce can even look at them let alone hold a convorsation with them. He sat there and talked to both of them like they didn't do anything. One tried saying that he wasn't the father of the baby and one put me into pre-mature labor. Ya think he wouldn't talk to them after everything we've been through. Whatever.
I've been so down lately. I miss my friends so much. And it sucks that I'm losing them day by day. I tried explaining to Kristi how I felt that Krystal sort of replaced me as her best friend and that I'm not in the picture anymore but she completley flipped out on me for saying that. I don't know anymore. I understand that my life is different now, but I can still hang out. She doesn't even bother to ask me anymore. That hurts too. And I have to sit there and listen to her tell me all about her fun times in Canada and everywhere else with all these other people. I asked her to go to the haunted house with me on Friday but she said she couldn't go cuz of the no money thing. Well I did say I would have money, obviously she didn't hear me cuz she went with Krystal instead. That hurt. Yeah right. I don't feel replaced at all. She told me it was no big deal. Well I'm sorry. It is a big deal and It hurt me a lot. I'm just going to have to get used to the fact that I really don't have any friends anymore. I do but I don't. I just talk to them on the phone now. Who knows what kind of friendship that is.
Anyway, the baby is getting so big. And he is such a little pig too. All he does is eat and eat and eat. It never stops. He's my little chunky monkey. :) My parents are driving me crazy with him too. They need to realize, especially my mom that the baby has TWO families not one. And that we are gonna go to Bruce's house for a few days each week so he can be with them too. I don't know why they don't understand it. I understand to an extent cuz Bruce doesn't have a job yet and yes he does need to get one. I'm so sick of that convorsation. But other than that he's a great father to his son and I would never take him away from him. My parents need to respect that fact that I'm not going to do everything their way and that he is MY child, not theirs.
Well, I'm kinda tired so I'm gonna go. Leave me some love.