New H50 Fic: A Time to Heal Part 16/16

Sep 03, 2012 03:10

Title: A Time to Heal
Author: (Dawn) Twilight
Summary: What the hell just happened? One minute he was holding his gun on Davis and the next he was on the ground with Danny bleeding all over him.
Rated: Pg 13
Feedback: Always welcome
Notes: This is the last section for this part of the series. I wanted to thank all those that read and responded with lovely feedback. It is very gratifying to see that people enjoy something that I’ve come up with and your comments and kudos often lifted my day. The next part in the series will be snapshots or time stamps in this universe and will include Danny and Steve’s continual struggle with Danny’s recovery and challenges it will present. I also want to explore as many aspects of their relationship, love/sex life, work challenges, and family as I can. Please feel free to make any suggestions for what you might like to see. Thanks again! Dawn Twilight

Part One

Part Sixteen

Steve maneuvered carefully through the streets, trying to avoid potholes or unnecessary lane changes as Danny reclined in the passenger seat, gazing out the window at the clouds and passing traffic, unusually quiet, but that might have had something to do with the pain medicine he had been given just before he was discharged this afternoon.

Danny’s parents had gone on ahead, taking a stack of prescriptions to the pharmacy down the street from Steve’s house. The plan was to get everything Danny might need and get him settled in for a quiet evening at home, but Kono and Chin had asked about dropping by and Grace was already staying the weekend.

He knew that everyone was excited to have Danny with them, but Steve was worried about overtaxing him…he already seemed so worn out and all he had done today was get his stitches removed, take a short walk in the courtyard, get dressed to go home…only to sit on the bed for hours while they waited for the discharge papers… and see Dr. Hoy for a final visit and instructions. Mel had taken the release papers, had listen intently, like Steve had, to all the restrictions and follow-up information, tucking the paper with the emergency contact information in her purse, telling him she would post the numbers on the fridge.

A car in the next lane signaled, but zipped in front of the camaro and Steve had no choice but to slam on his break pedal and then lay on the horn, “Asshole,” he threw out his right arm automatically, as if it alone could keep Danny from lurching forward in his seat.

He heard a slight grunt, already apologizing, “Sorry, Danno…sorry.”

Danny had a pillow clutched to his stomach, but his face was already free of pain lines, so Steve wasn’t sure if the sudden deceleration had actually caused him any pain or if the fear of pain had caused Danny to tense up and hurt himself.

“Not your fault, babe.” Danny was already relaxing back into the seat, this time closing his eyes and Steve noted the car that had cut them off was making a right hand turn and memorized the plate number, not sure what he would do with that information, but at the very least he was going to pull the idiots driving record, see if he had any outstanding parking tickets or speeding fines so he could yank his license.

“Just let it go, babe.”

Steve smirked and sighed…Danny knew him so well.

And thinking about that little fact caused a little tendril of anxiety to coil in his gut, because no one…not even Cat, his one and only stable relationship, had gotten under his skin like Danny had…no one had ever even cared enough to try to scale the walls that Steve had thrown up over the years.

But Danny...he had picked at them...pulled them down brick by brick just by being a friend, an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on and Danny deserved so much…maybe more than Steve would be capable of giving him…he wasn’t exactly good at relationships…sure, he had said all the right things to Danny and meant every word, but still…what if he fucked this up?

What if Danny decided…

“I can smell the smoke from here.”

Steve glanced at Danny, realizing his hands were gripping the steering wheel a little tighter than necessary and uncurled his fingers, resting one hand loosely on his thigh.

His boyfriend? Mate? Significant other? Danny…his Danny still had his head slightly turned toward the window and his eyes were closed. So he asked, “What?”

Danny turned toward Steve then, “You’re thinking too much…I can smell the smoke,” and then he reached over the gear shift and center console to grab Steve’s hand. “It’s a little late to have a freak out, don’t you think?”

“I’m not freaking out,” but his voice actually warbled. “I mean,” he turned his eyes back to the road before Danny had to remind him, “I’m not freaking out about us.”

When he looked back, Danny narrowed his eyes, squinting at him and so he cleared his throat and said, “Much…I’m not freaking out much…I just…”

Danny patted his hand and closed his eyes again, “I know, babe…I know.”

The rest of the ride was quiet, but it was a comfortable silence.

Steve's truck was already parked in the drive when he pulled in and he spotted Kono’s car and Chin’s bike along the street.

He killed the ignition, climbing out and pocketing his keys before heading around to help Danny.

Danny’s mom had already opened the front door and waited patiently as he reached into the car to raise the seat and then stood by helplessly when Danny swatted his hand away.

It took a few minutes, but Danny had finally managed to swing his legs out of the low slung car and leaned forward, resting with his elbows on his knees and his head bowed for a second before reaching up his hand so Steve could help haul him to his feet.

The pillow landed on the ground, but Danny didn’t seem bothered, so Steve left it, wrapping his arm around Danny’s waist for support and taking some of his weight as they shuffled toward the front door.

Danny tiredly whispered, “Are there a ton of people in there?”

His hot breath tickled Steve’s ear, making him shiver, but he answered, “I don’t think so, Danno. Just our family.”

They reached the door and Mel held it open for them, leaning in to kiss Danny’s cheek as they passed over the threshold and Jim squeezed Danny’s shoulder on the way out, heading to the car to get his son’s duffle bag.

Earlier they had already taken all the cards and plants, some of the flowers, leaving most for the nurses to distribute to other patients. By the end of Danny’s three week stay his room had looked like a florist shop and Danny didn’t want the fresh ones to go to waste, so they decided to leave them for people whose rooms needed a little brightening.

As Mel closed the door, Steve spotted Chin and Malia in the dining room, sitting at the table and drinking coffee from mugs, a monopoly game board between them and he assumed both Jim and Mel had been playing too. They both looked up and greeted them with warm smiles, but they didn’t crowd the door, giving Danny some space.

He could see Kono and Grace through the dining room window, in their bikinis on the beach, surfboards pitched in the sand, running back and forth along the shoreline, carrying buckets of wet sand, obviously making castles or in Kono’s case, forts.

Danny sagged a little against him so he asked, “Couch or recliner, babe?”

“I’ve got it,” Danny told him, shrugging out of his one arm embrace and giving a little wave to his visitors. “I hope you’re not playing for cash…” he called to his friends as he stiffly walked to the recliner and gingerly sat. “My mom’s a monopoly shark.”

“Daniel…” his mom scolded, “Don’t be telling all my secrets.” Mel picked up a throw from the back of the couch and draped it over Danny’s legs, asking, “Can I get you anything, baby? Are you hungry or do you want a drink?”

“Nah, ma…I’m good.”

“Okay. I’m going to go see what Gracie is up to…she and Kono have been in the water all day…I’ve got a ton of pictures for you to look at later.” She didn’t say anything about telling Grace that her dad was home, but she probably decided it would be better for Danny to get settled before hurricane Gracie came blowing in.

The TV was on, the volume low and the Game Show Network was playing reruns of Wheel of Fortune, so Steve settled on to the end of the sofa nearest Danny as Malia and Chin made their way in and sat in the other seats, “We just wanted to see how you were doing,” Malia said, “but you look wiped, so…”

“Don’t rush off on my account.” Danny told them, waving a dismissive hand, flipping up the foot rest and settling in. “I am wiped, but that’s nothing new, so if I start to snore mid-sentence, just carry on without me.”

Malia nodded, understanding, knowing that Danny was still feeling rough, but Chin's lips upturned in the tiniest of smiles and said, “You got it, brah…if you need to, just take a nap and don’t worry about us. We only came for Mel’s homemade chicken and dumplings anyway.”

“Chin Ho Kelly,” Malia slapped her husband on his uninjured arm and Steve laughed, feeling like maybe a weight was lifting, like things were getting back to normal or what passed as normal for them anyway.

“What…you’re the one who said…” But Malia’s hand shot up to cover Chin’s mouth.

“Don’t listen to him Danny…we came to see you…and then to eat…but to see you first.”

Danny waved them all off and Steve watched the exchange, missing Danny’s quick comebacks and rants, but soon enough he would be feeling better…more like himself, Steve had to believe that.

They watched the show, a puzzle already up with a few letters exposed, the category quotations. Danny glanced at the screen and said, “Here is my handle, here is my spout.”

Jim came back through the door then, carrying Danny’s duffle, his pillow, plus a suitcase of clothes they had collected from Danny’s apartment. “So, my little tea pot, I’ll take this stuff to your room.” Everyone on the couch snickered and giggled, but Danny ignored them while Vanna White actually had to turn the lit letter board tiles to reveal more of the answer. Several more spins and letter guesses later had proved that Danny had already gotten the answer right. “Don’t ever bet Danny money in this game…he’s like a word savant,” Jim warned them and then told his son, “Ma already turned down the bed so you can lay down while dinner is cooking and I’m sure she’ll unpack you if you want.”

“Thanks pop.” Danny yawned and eyed the suitcase, but didn’t say anything else about it.

Steve had already told him that his parent’s had gone to his place and packed his clothes and some other essentials. Mel had brought some boxes to pack up Danny’s kitchen and closets…and Steve found that there wasn’t a lot…some dishes and pots and pans, which Danny wouldn’t need, and some books, personal paperwork, photo albums, a few mementoes of his past, Grace’s artwork…

A lot of the furniture came with the apartment, but the few things Danny had moved with him fit into Steve’s garage and when he felt up to it, he could look through the boxes and decide what to keep.

Steve had already talked with the rental company and paid the amount owed to get Danny out of his lease, canceled the power, cable, and internet and brought Danny’s checkbook, folder with his bills, and a stack of mail to look through.

They had put the fairly new flat screen TV into Steve’s other spare room, so Danny would be able to watch it if he didn’t want to get out of bed, or listen with his headphones if the waves bothered his sleep.

Pat Sajak had spun the wheel for the final round, the category was a phrase and the first contestant guessed the letter ‘S’, earning a thousand dollars and a second guess, but before the portly woman could guess another consonant, Danny said, “On the same page.”

Chin shook his head and announced, “Whoa, brah…no betting Danny, got it.”

Before the show ended, they all heard Grace pounding through the kitchen, calling, “Danno?”

“In here, Monkey.”

Danny’s daughter pulled up short, walking the rest of the way and carefully climbing up and onto her dad’s legs, turning to sit in his lap. “I’m glad you’re home, Daddy…We’ve been making sand castles…you want to see?”

Danny kissed her head and said, “Sure, baby…how about you head back out and I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“Kay, Danno.” She pressed a kiss on his face and he asked for another and than another until Gracie finally declared him, “Silly…come out soon, okay? Before the water comes up and takes my castle down to Davy Jones Locker.” She scrambled down, ready to run back to the beach, but she slowed her pace when she saw her mom-mom watching from the kitchen.

“Have you been watching Pirates again?” Danny called over his shoulder.

Grace holler back, “I love Orlando Bloom,” and Steve could see a look of horror appear on Danny’s face.

“How do we go from sweet Disney Princesses to hunky Will Turner…how does that happen?”

Malia opened her mouth to answer, but Danny shot her a look and this time it was Chin’s turn to cover his wife’s mouth with his hand. “Please don’t get him started.”

“Come on, Danno,” Steve got up from the couch, “Let’s go see Grace’s castle and whatever passes as a castle for Kono.”

Danny lowered the foot rest, letting Steve help him up, but shrugged out of Steve’s embrace, giving him an apologetic look.

They had spent the last few weeks talking about being careful not to reveal their new found relationship or act out of character, but Steve was finding it hard to keep his hands off of the man, because Danny was so touchable and huggable and kissable.

But Danny needed to talk to his parents, although Steve thought that Mel and Jim had to have already known.

And they needed to speak with Grace…Danny didn’t want to keep anything from her, and yet they both knew that she wasn’t really old enough to understand anything beyond the basic.

They had also decided that they weren’t going to mention anything to Chin and Kono either.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to tell them. But he knew that Danny was deeply worried about the implications, was worried that coming out to them while trying to keep their private lives private from the rest of the world, just wasn’t fair to them and if the shit did eventually hit the fan, at least his team mates would be protected, would be able to claim plausible deniability.

As for the rest of the PD, they could go on speculating and joking that he and Danny were already an old married couple and think whatever they wanted…nothing new there…

It’s what Danny wanted, at least for now and Steve was willing to give that to him because something had happened…

Steve didn’t know the whole story, just that the first and last relationship Danny had had with another guy, Ritchie, hadn’t turned out well and that Danny didn’t want to talk about it

And Steve didn’t push, but he did want to know, did want to understand where Danny was coming from, but after a few aborted conversations Danny had plainly asked, “Why can’t we just have something for ourselves…”

And Steve had to admit, he did like the idea of having something that was just between and for them.

Kono waved, standing from leaning over her own sturdy looking sand structure, coming closer as Steve helped ease Danny into a lawn chair.

She jogged up and wrapped her arms around Danny, hugging him maybe a little too tight, but he didn't seem to mind. In fact his hands lingered on her back and Steve could hear the whispered, "Thanks, Kono," before she stood and stepped back to scan the beach for Grace, finding her working on her own structure.

"No problem, brah...I got a cousin who knows a girl who makes and sells them on the net...they are suppose to be very comfortable."

Now Steve knew that they were talking about the gift she had brought Danny a few days before, a special belt made from soft stretchy material that enclosed the ostomy bag and kept it from rubbing against Danny's skin or held it snug against his body so he could do more physical activities.


"Hey, if you really like them, they have them in prints like Hawaii blue or sunset patterns...I can hook you up."

"Yeah...that'll be great..."

"I'm gonna take Grace back out...she already showed Mel and Jim all her moves so now they have something to compare you too."

Danny swatted at her, making shooing motions so she ran back to Grace, grabbing her board and following Danny's daughter back into the ocean.

Steve had snagged the blanket and draped it over Danny's lap, knowing if he got too hot, he would just kick the covers off. “I’m going to see what’s cooking. You want a drink…some iced tea maybe?”


So he turned to go back into the house, but Danny grabbed his sleeve, looking up at him like he had something important to say.

Steve took a second to stared into Danny's eyes, search his beloved face, before smiling and asking, “Whatcha need, babe?”

“Nothing…got everything I need, but thank you.”

And Steve wanted to lean in and kiss him so badly.

Kono and Grace were paddling out and no one in the house seemed to be looking out at them, so he reached and grabbed Danny’s hand, pulling him forward, meeting Danny halfway. “Me too, Danno. Got everything I need right here.”

And then he did kiss him, slow and gentle, keeping one eye on the girls and thinking, it might not all be smooth sailing, but Danny was worth it…Danny was worth everything to him.

The End.

Coming soon:

Ma and Pop Williams head home.
Danny struggles with his limitations and frustrations.
Steve has to hire someone to take Danny’s place (temporarily) and can’t bring himself to tell Danny.
Steve reaches his limits.
Danny is having a sexual problem and tells Steve about his last encounter with Richie.
They make progress in the bedroom...and then they eat cake.

steve, m/m, h/c, h50 fic, oc, grace, medical trauma, kono, chin, a time to heal, danny

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