New Fic: A Time to Heal Part Eight

Jun 27, 2012 00:14

Title: A Time to Heal
Author: Twilight
Summary: What the hell just happened? One minute he was holding his gun on Davis and the next he was on the ground with Danny bleeding all over him.
Rated: Pg 13
Feedback: Always welcome

Part One

Part Eight

Kono sighed, scrubbing her burning eyes with the palm of her hand. She was tired and hungry and just wanted to go home and sleep…or better yet, grab her board and hit the surf. Maybe she could clear her head if she caught some good waves.

She could see Chin, through the open door way of her office, leaning over the computer table, looking over Davis’ financials again while she went back through all the witness statements and the previous interviews of all Davis’ known associates.

They had been working nonstop, trying to find the drug kingpin who had been evading them for days.

The shipping industry and small water transportation businesses were advised, TSA notified, smaller travel outfits warned and still no sign of the fugitive.

It was an island…and the bust at the port had been front page and the leading story on the evening news. Davis’ face had been plastered all over by the news media, reporters and TV anchors telling the story of Davis’ supposed rise within his organization, his businesses that served as fronts to launder his drug money and the trail of bodies that he had left behind.

He couldn’t have gotten far...

And then she remembered Sang Min and how he had been getting people on and off the island unnoticed for years.

For a price.

But Davis’ operation had been busted. They had seized hundreds of pounds of drugs and drug making components, millions of dollars and had rounded up most of the man’s organization.

He had to have a contingency plan in place, but she and Chin couldn’t find it.

Really she just wanted to put the whole thing behind them, get Danny healthy and forget about the whole damn take down, but…it’s been all she could think about and it was making her a little nutty.

“Ready to knock off?”

She jumped in her seat, hadn’t even heard Chin enter her office and she could have kicked herself. She was supposed to be extra observant, supposed to detect things other people missed and here she was, not paying attention to her surroundings and that’s how people got killed.

That’s how Danny…

“Don’t even,” Chin told her, like he could read her mind, but then again, maybe he could. He always seemed to know what was going through her head…maybe she was just transparent, at least to him.

She shuffled her papers, stacking them together and then tapping them on her desk to line up the edges, stuffing them back into the folders. “I guess I’m ready…my eyes are crossing from staring at the same pages, they might be in danger of getting stuck that way,” and she looked to him, her eyes crossed and he laughed.

Laughing was good.

“Come on…I’ll buy you dinner.”

But she was shaking her head as she stood, “Nah…I think I’m gonna stop by and see Danny before heading home. I want to tell the boss what we got so far, see if he has any more intel that might be useful, ask him about the people he and Danny spoke with, get his impressions.” But her cousin was smirking as they headed down the hall and she knew that he knew that what she really wanted was to check up on the rest of their team.

It had been too quiet in the office…she had missed Steve and Danny arguing, Danny ranting about whatever had annoyed him on any particular day…plus Steve had reported earlier, when he had called to check in, that Danny was doing much better and she…well she wanted to see for herself that he was.

“You sure…Malia is on till midnight and I was just gonna get something fast…then you can go by the hospital…”

They walked together through the mostly empty lobby and out to the parking lot. “Yeah, but thanks cuz…”

He walked her to her car, waiting until she was buckled in and the engine started. “Tell Danny I’ll be by in the morning…”

“Will do,” and then she pulled out, seeing Chin swing his leg over his bike in her rear view mirror, getting ready to head out.

The traffic was light, the evening rush hour already passed and she made good time getting to the hospital.

Regular visiting hours were almost over, so the elevator and halls were pretty empty, but Danny had unlimited hours because of the seriousness of his condition, even though they tried not to stay too late.

Well she and Chin did, probably Danny’s parents too, but Kono was pretty sure Steve stayed as long as he could and she wondered about that…

She knew that he and Danny were close, closer then brothers, but she always sensed…something else…something that neither of them really seemed to have acknowledged, at least until recently.

Steve had changed and she thought maybe Danny was seeing it now too.

Not that it was any of her business…but they were her ohana and she just wanted both of them to be happy and if they made each other happy, then all the better.

The ward was pretty quiet, just one nurse in sight, sitting at the circular desk, and she looked up as Kono approached.

Since Danny was being carefully monitored, they had taken to checking in first, so they didn’t walk in while the doctor was checking him or a nurse…she still remembered Danny’s embarrassed face when she had come in while he was getting a bed bath.

Funny he wasn’t embarrassed by Steve sitting in a chair a few feet away reading a newspaper, but again, not her business.

“Hi, Kono…go on in…he might be sleeping though.”

It was nice that the nurses knew Danny’s visitors by name, always made a point of making them feel comfortable while things were still uncertain.

The glass door opened on a silent glider.

She hadn’t expected his room to be empty when she got there, but Kono found Danny alone, reclining on the hospital bed, his head canted back and his mouth slack in sleep, snoring like a jack hammer.

She couldn’t help the small smile as she moved closer, plopping down in the chair Steve had occupied every time she had come by to visit in the last few days.

Kono took some time to study her friend.

Danny looked a little better, a bit flushed, but at least he had some color in his face now and the vent was gone, had been replaced by a nasal cannula, the thin tube tucked around his ears and the room was a lot quieter without the rhythmic whoosh of the machine.

He had on a hospital gown now, but she could still make out the heart monitoring leads that stuck to his chest, the wires bunched over his shoulder, coming out of the neck of the gown and attached to the machine by the bed.

He still had the little white plastic clip on a finger and the blood pressure cuff was still around his bicep. When she glanced at the monitor it told her Danny’s BP was 136 over 84 and his pulse was 88, but given his injuries, she didn’t know if that was good or not.

And there was other equipment too, but she didn’t know what they were for and thought that it didn’t really matter, as long as they were helping Danny get better.

Danny shifted, rubbing his head against his pillow, but he snored on and Kono wanted to reach out and touch him. She didn’t want to wake him, he needed to rest, but she couldn’t help but to reach for the hand that was hanging off the side of the bed, giving him a gentle squeeze before placing it back on the thin mattress.

His skin was warm to the touch and a little dry and she wondered if that was normal.

After a few minutes more, he moved his head again, making a strange gulping sound and abruptly stopped snoring, jerking himself awake, and then settled back against his pillow, his sleepy eyes squinting at her.

“Hey, brah…”

She could tell he wasn’t really all there yet, but eventually he gave her a dopey smile, and whispered, “hey, Kono…howzit?”

She leaned a little closer, worried about the congestion she could hear in his voice. “I’m okay…how about you. Feeling better?”

He nodded, shifting his legs under the blanket, coughing a little into his hand, “or you know, maybe a little uncomfortable,” his other hand roamed the bedding until he found a black cord with a button on the top and pressed it, one of the machines by his side beeping.

She waited, watching as the lines around his eyes smoothed out and then he settle back again, looking more comfortable even though he was making a face, like he was trying to decide if he needed more pain medicine or not.

“So,” she asked, trying to distract him, knowing it took a little time for his meds to kick in. “Where’s the boss man…your folks?”

“They ah…” he grimaced as he shifted his hips, one arm coming around and pressing a small pillow over his belly. “…went to get dinner…I think Ma and Pop wanted to take Gracie out for a bit, spend some time with her and Steve went with them…” When he couldn’t seem to find a comfortable position, he pressed the button again.

"Oh, I wonder where they went," she asked, leaning forward a little, tempted to touch his arm again, not really understanding the impulse. "I hope he took them somewhere nice and not…like to Kamekona's shrimp truck."

"Yeah," Danny agreed, "But knowing Steve he probably took them for pizza with pineapple or something equally as hideous and my ma will eat it, because she is just polite like that's another story."

“You’re dad’s something else,” she told him, seeing him start to relax now. “He had us all cracking up…telling us about all the ‘adventures’ you used to get into…”

“Oh, that’s just wonderful,” but Danny smiled anyway, a far away look on his face, like he was remembering some of his adventures. “Like I need everyone knowing what a delinquent I was,” and then he coughed again, unable to stop, to catch his breath and Kono jumped up, not sure if she should touch him, try to rub his back because he had stuff attached to him back there.

She spotted a pitcher on the bedside table and a cup with a straw and poured whatever was in it into the cup, holding the straw to Danny’s lips and he took a few small sips, nodding and breathing through his mouth. “Thanks…” he told her, holding his belly and settling back again. “…can’t seem to get rid of this tickle in my throat.”

His face was beet red, but he was breathing better now, so she sat back down and picked up their conversation where they had left off.

“It wasn’t all that bad,” she shifted back in the chair, pulling her legs up and under her, settling in. “He told us about how cops and robbers was your favorite game and how you always had to be the cop…how you used to use little plastic handcuffs to secure you siblings to all kinds of stuff…and a interesting story about a skate boarding incident.” And she laughed at the look of horror on Danny’s face. “I want to hear all about what possessed you to tie a rope to the bumper of a fire truck and then hop on your board.”

Danny shook his head, closing his eyes now, “that my friend is none of your business.”

And she knew that if she wanted the whole story, she would have to use all her charm to pry it out of him, but maybe another time.

She had come to check up on Danny and was enjoying their time together, but she still needed to talk to her boss before heading home.

Looking at her watch, she saw it was almost seven thirty and figured they would be getting back soon; sure that Steve had taken Danny’s parents some place nice, despite what she had said earlier.

“You in a hurry,” Danny’s voice sounded rough from his earlier hacking fit, but he cleared his throat and said, “Or am I boring you?”

“Neither,” she replied, reaching forward to pat his arm. “so how about you…did you get to eat tonight?”

“Nope,” he looked like he was fading fast, but Kono was content to chat until he drifted off and then she would just wait until Steve showed to head home. After a minute or so, he finished his thought. “Doc said maybe liquids tomorrow, broth or whatever.”

She knew he would be on a liquid diet for a few days and then soft and easy to digest food, because of the colostomy, but she didn’t want their conversation to go there, so she changed it. “I was hoping to catch Steve before I go…”

He opened his eyes again, perking up a little and asked, “About the case? You got something new?”

She wasn’t sure if Steve was keeping him in the loop, just that Steve had asked Danny about the shooter before, but he was still pretty drugged up and in pain and he hadn’t remembered much.

Now it seemed Danny was feeling better, so she told him, “Davis is still in the wind, but do you…do you remember seeing the shooter?”

He looked pensive for a beat or two and then sighed. “It’s all sorta,” he used one hand to make a circling gesture over his head, “jumbled,” he finished, frustration clear in his voice and his expression. “I mean, I can remember bits and pieces…it was really hot and that prick Davis had a smirk on his face, counting the money from the duffle bag until Steve pulled his gun…”

“It’s okay,” she told him, not wanting to push unpleasant memories, “don’t worry about it. We’re looking at everything again, his life, his friends, his businesses…We’ll find him.”

Danny nodded, starting to close his eyes again, clearly sleepy, but they popped back open, “you know…I think it may have been a woman…I mean I don’t remember seeing a face, but the build was slight…I guess it could have been a small guy, but I don’t know…seems like it was a woman to me.”

She could tell his revelation was straining not only his endurance, but also his voice, he sounded raw, but that didn’t stop him from softly asking, “didn’t we interview his mother, his girlfriend and the few others on the side?”

She sat forward, nodding, “yeah, me and Chin talked to a few ‘ladies’, but you and Steve met with Mrs. Davis the day before the bust.” It might not be anything, but it was maybe a new angle. But a scorned lover didn’t fit. Wouldn’t they be aiming for Davis instead of her team? “We already spoke with Mrs. Davis again, but she claims she wouldn’t know where he may be hiding out, said that they didn’t have a good relationship.”

Danny nodded, probably remembering he and Steve had gotten the same party line when they had talked to the woman.

“It’s worth a look at the others though…maybe someone saw their gravy train drying up and took matters into their own hands.”

Danny didn’t answer, so she relaxed into the chair again, watching his sleeping face and the steady rise and fall of his chest.

A small commotion in the hall drew her attention and Danny’s folks came in with Grace between them, holding her hands, Steve not far behind.

Her eyes skimmed over Kono and then to her dad, “Danno?” Grace asked; her voice small and frightened.

Danny opened his eyes and his whole face lit up, but before she could take off Steve got a gentle hold on her shoulder. “Remember what we told you, Gracie? You can’t jump on him…you have to be very careful.”

She nodded and Steve let her go.

Grace slowly walked over and Steve lifted her up, tucking her under his arm and balancing her on his hip so she could lean over and kiss her daddy’s cheek.

“I’m so happy to see you, Monkey…but I thought you were coming tomorrow after school?” Danny looked to Steve and then his parents and Kono knew there was some sort of information passing between them.

It was his mom that spoke first, “I talked to Rachel after dinner, honey…she agreed that since you were doing so well that Gracie could see you a bit before we take her home tonight…”

“So…are you better now, Daddy?” Grace had laid her head on Steve’s shoulder, looking a lot younger then her ten years.

“I feel a whole lot better now that you’re here, baby…you want to sit with me?”

Kono spotted the doubtful look on Steve’s face, but Danny ignored him as usual and carefully scooted to the left and made some space on the bed for her.

Steve lowered her down and gently sat her near Danny’s hip and she snuggled close to her daddy’s side.

Steve rested his hand on her head for a second, and Danny reached his arm around and patted her back, began to run it up and down in a soothing manner and Kono felt like maybe she was intruding, but before she could get up and say her goodbyes, Danny asked, “So Rachel said…”

Kono didn’t know what arrangements she and Danny had made, but it seemed he was worried about Grace showing up before schedule.

“Don’t worry about Rachel,” his dad told him, leaning on the raised bed rail. “We’re only gonna visit for a bit and then take her home. She really needed to see you.”

And Kono understood that need

Danny nodded, tensing a little when Grace shifted next to him, but she settled back in, her little hand coming to rest on her father’s chest. “Did I hurt you, Danno?”

“Never,” he told her, kissing the top of her head, even though twisting his body that way had to hurt. “I’m happy you came…did you have fun with Mom Mom and Pop Pop? Did Uncle Steve try to make them eat something gross?” Danny eyed their boss as he said it, but Grace shook her head.

“No…we went to the Hilton and Pop Pop and Uncle Steve had surf and turf.”

“Is that right…what did you and Mom Mom eat?” Danny’s mom grinned at him when he looked her way, but she waited for Grace to answer for them.

“Well, we decided to share a pizza…”

“Don’t say it,” Danny pleaded, but his mom patted his leg through the blanket and sheets.

“It’s you fault you know…I was curious…”

“Yup and I don’t know why you don’t like it Danno, but pineapple is good on pizza…”

“You,” Danny pointed at Steve and Kono could see her boss was trying not to laugh. “I don’t even know,” but before Danny could finish, another coughing jag hit and he couldn’t seem to get his breath this time.

They all moved forward, trying to help. Mel grabbed up Grace, moving away from the bed, telling her it was going to be fine, while Jim went out the door, probably looking for a nurse. Kono stayed rooted to the spot, because Steve somehow managed to lower the bed rail, wrapped both of Danny’s arms around the pillow to brace his incision and leaned him up some, running a careful hand down Danny’s back. “You can breathe, babe…Slow down.”

The nurse, Tina, came in then, Jim right behind her.

Danny wasn’t coughing as much, but he looked miserable, his eyes squeezed shut, tears leaking down his cheeks.

Tina reached into a cabinet, pulling out an oxygen mask and unwrapping it, connecting it to a metal plate on the wall then turned some knobs, working around Steve to put the mask over Danny’s face.

“Deep breaths, Danny,” the nurse said, watching Danny struggle, but then his breathing seemed to slow and Steve helped him lean back.

“Better,” Tina asked, looking over the other monitors.

Danny nodded, but didn’t answer and Kono thought maybe he was falling asleep.

“Okay, let’s leave it on for a bit?”

Kono watched as Steve rubbed hair from Danny’s forehead, frowning. “He feels a little hot to me,” he told Tina and she in turn pulled a thermometer from a drawer and put it in Danny’s ear.

When it beeped, she read the results and said, “it’s a little elevated, but I’ll check in again in a bit. How you doing, Danny?”

“Fine,” Danny huffed, but Kono didn’t think anyone in the room believed him.

“I’ll be back in a little bit to check in on you,” Tina told him.

“Can’t wait,” Danny whispered, his voice muffled from the mask on his face and then he looked around the room. “Grace?”

His mom brought her over and Danny held out his arms, so she lowered Grace back to the bed. “I’m sorry if I scared you, Gracie…but I’m better now, okay?”

“Okay,” but her voice trembled, so Danny reached around her again and pulled her close.

“I’m fine, baby…don’t worry.”

“It’s getting late, Grace,” Jim told her, “and Danno needs to get to bed.”

And that made her laugh a little. She reached up and kissed her dad again, “Your Poppy said it’s your bedtime Danno.”

“Uh huh, and we all know we should listen to our dads, right?”

She nodded, but didn’t try to get up. “I’m glad Aunt Kono was here to keep you company…I don’t want you to be alone, Danno.”

All eyes shifted to her and then Danny told her, “Don’t worry, I’ve had lots of company, Monkey…Mom Mom and Pop Pop, Uncle Chin and Aunt Malia too. Tomorrow you’re coming back after school…”

“And Uncle Steve,” Gracie asked, picking her head up to look at Danny’s face. “He stayed with you, right?”

“Of course you’re Uncle Steve stayed with me…you know he doesn’t know what to do with himself if I’m not around.”

“Ready, little monkey?’ Jim asked, plucking her up and swinging her over his shoulder, before swinging her back down so she could plant a kiss on her dad’s head. “You need your sleep too…school tomorrow and then we’ll pick you up so you can visit longer with your Danno.”

“Kay, Pop Pop…night Danno.”

“Good night, baby…see you tomorrow.”

Kono watched as Danny’s dad leaned over and kissed his son on the head and then his mom rubbed his cheek with her palm, kissing both his eyelids when he closed them and she wondered if that was some kind of childhood ritual shared between them. “Sleep well, my son.”

When they got to the door, Mel turned to ask Steve, “are you staying for a bit?”

“Yes…please make yourself at home.”

She nodded her thanks then followed her husband down the hall.

Kono checked her watch again; surprised to see an hour had already passed.

“You know,” Danny said, eyes still closed, “It’s weird that you two are just standing there watching me sleep.”

“Tough,” Steve said, sinking into his usual chair.

“I got to get going anyway, brah…but can I talk to you for a second boss?”

Steve looked a little torn, but Danny raised his arm and made a shooing motion with his hand, even though his eyes were still closed.

Kono smirked, but wiped the look off her face when Steve glanced her way.

“Whatcha need?’ he asked, “Got something new to report?”

She told him everything they had and had not found and about Danny thinking the shooter may have been a woman. They discussed their suspect pool, and Steve told her what he thought about some of the women he and Danny had talked to.

“I’ve been in contact with Denning…he wants this wrapped up, so,” her boss looked back toward Danny so she did too. He seemed to be sleeping; his breathing evened out, but still a little congested, even with the mask. “If I can, I’ll be in tomorrow for a bit.”

She started to tell him he didn’t have too, knew that he wouldn’t want to leave Danny, but when the boss’ boss makes a request, they had to listen.

When she got back to Danny’s bedside, Steve was flipping some light switches, darkening the room so Danny would sleep better.

“Chin said he would be by in the morning, I forgot to tell Danny.”

Steve settled in to his chair, stretching out his legs and crossing them at the ankle, “Don’t worry about it…if he wakes up before I go, I’ll tell him and if not, he’ll be pleasantly surprised. Thanks Kono.”

She didn’t know why he was thanking her, but she nodded anyway. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, moving toward the hall, getting ready to slide the door shut, but when she looked back, Steve had leaned forward, had his hand on Danny’s brow, the frown back in full force and Kono hoped that this little fever wasn’t a set back…wasn’t anything serious.

Part Nine

steve, friendship leading to more, h/c, h50 fic, oc, medical trauma, kono, a time to heal series, chin, danny

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