New H50 Fic: A Time to Heal Part Three

Jun 09, 2012 00:55

Title: A Time to Heal
Author: Twilight
Summary: What the hell just happened? One minute he was holding his gun on Davis and the next he was on the ground with Danny bleeding all over him.
Rated: Pg 13
Feedback: Always welcome

Part One

Part Three

Chin watched as one of the uniformed officer slammed the ambulance doors shut and it pulled away with half his team, sirens screaming.

When he had seen Danny pushing Steve and then the tangle of their bodies on the ground, he couldn’t quite figure out what had happened, until a split second later, when he had heard the reverberation of the gun shot against the container units at the shipping yard.

“Shit!” They all had ducked and taken cover, Kono to his left, some uniforms to the right, but both Steve and Danny were out in the open, vulnerable.

His boss had leaned over the prone body laid out on the ground and that’s when Chin had really understood, Danny had been hit.

So he had broken cover, rushing toward his downed team members, relaying orders for a search grid of the yards, alert to any immediate threat to Danny and Steve.

When Chin got close enough to see and hear them, his heart nearly broke and he would never forget Steve’s pleading tone, the pooling blood seeping through Steve's fingers or the way Danny choked on each breath.

Kono had come from around one of the big machines that moved the containers, holding a small caliber gun in her gloved fingers. “Tossed around the back…no sign of the shooter.”

He took it from her and she moved a little closer to Steve and Danny, unbuttoning her blouse.

Chin grabbed his com mike and demanded an update, needing to be doing something.

And because more help was arriving, looking for instruction, leadership, Chin did the only thing he could do to help, he took charge.

Some of the uniforms went after Davis, who had ran when Steve and Danny had hit the ground. Davis’ crew had taken off too, but already a few had been rounded up, cuffed and were waiting in the back of cruisers for transport.

Chin handed the gun off to one of the officers, “get this to the lab, I want to know everything about it, tell them to make it a priority.”

The scene was still chaotic, but it was settling down with the round up of the few felons they had caught and most of the men were off chasing down those that managed to flee, including Davis.

Now he could hear the ambulance sirens and when he chanced a look toward Steve and Danny, he spotted Kono stripping off her shirt and handing it to Steve.

Steve balled it up and used it on Danny’s wound, but he didn’t acknowledge her presence and Kono had backed away, walking quickly toward him, a look of devastation on her face.

It was like the whole Sarin scare all over, the not knowing, but somehow, this seemed worse.

“You okay,” he asked, even though he could clearly see she wasn’t.

She nodded though, her eyes a little glassy, a little dazed. Her voice cracked when she said, “there was so much blood, Chin.”

And even if it might not have been professional, he pulled her against his side anyway. “Danny’s gonna be fine,” he soothed, giving her a little squeeze.

She nodded again, but still looked a little lost. “yeah, but…”

The ambulance squealed to a stop then, tires leaving skid marks on the pavement.

“See,” he said. “Helps here and they’ll get Danny to the hospital…they’ll take good care of him and we’ve got work to do.”

She watched as the medics took over for Steve, wiping a delicate hand over her face, stepping out of his embrace. “Yeah, yeah okay.”

Reports were coming in that Davis had pulled a Houdini, but one of his lieutenants had been picked up a few streets over, trying to break into a closed store front to hide out.

“Bring them all in,” Chin said, looking to Kono. “We’ll interrogate them back at the Palace.”

The medics and Steve, with Danny in tow, were running toward the ambulance and as the doors slammed shut, he had to trust that they would get Danny to help on time.

After it pulled off, lights and sirens blaring, he told Kono, “let’s make sure the area is secured, get forensics in here so we can figure out what the hell just happened.”

And over the next hours he and Kono spoke with each person brought in, but no one would cop to knowing where Davis might be hiding out or who had pulled the trigger on Danny.

He had just sent Kono to see Fong about the ballistics report and information on the gun when his cell rang.

His heart dropped when he saw it was Steve.

He figured, no news was good news, and it seemed way too early for an update.


“Hey, I ah…I’m just checking in…to see what’s happening with the investigation.”

Steve’s voice was strained, tired, but Chin figured that he didn’t know anything on Danny’s condition, or he would have started with that.

So he told his friend and boss what he knew, which honestly wasn’t much before asking, “so, any news on Danny?”

Steve blew out a breath before answering, ”they took him in for an emergency exploratory laparotomy.” At the mention of the word, Chin’s fingers worked over the touch screen of the computer table. He blanched when he saw an explanation and photo of the procedure.

Steve continued, “The surgeon told me depending on what they find, it could take hours. They know he has internal bleeding, a collapsed lung, but they have to open him up, inspect his organs and bowel to see where the bleeding is coming from and make necessary repairs. Steve sighed again. “I had to call his folks.”

And Chin knew how hard that call must have been. Over the years they had all learned a lot about Danny’s family, shared stories of growing up and seen pictures. They even had talked with them on the phone from time to time if they called the HQ looking for Danny, “how’d they take it?”

“His dad answered…I could hear his mom crying in the back ground.

“That sucks, brah…are they coming?”

”Yeah, I got them tickets on the red eye to LAX, pulled a few strings to bump some passengers on the first flight out from there. They’ll be landing around ten and I was hoping…”

“Sure,” because Chin knew that Steve wouldn’t be leaving the hospital anytime soon. “Whatever you need…” he glanced at his watch, surprised by the late hour, “…not much more we can do tonight anyway.”

“Yeah, okay. I’m going to put them up, I don’t want them to have to pay for a hotel, so maybe, if you wouldn’t mind, you or Kono could stock up the fridge, change the sheets on the bed in the guest room.”

“You got it…it’ll give us something to do while we wait. Kono’s at Fong’s, but as soon as she gets back, we’ll go on a market run, drop the stuff at your place and bring over the camaro.”

But Chin couldn’t help but wonder about the rest of Danny’s family, so he asked, “what about Rachel and Grace?”

“I called her when we first got here…”

And Chin could hear a small groan that escaped as Steve shifted in his seat, but filed it away for later when he and Kono could see Steve face to face. The way that Danny had tackled him could have caused Steve injury too.

“…but after the Sarin thing and the kidnapping…they decided that if either of them where in a…life threatening situation, they would wait to tell Gracie…she’s been through so much already.

“Yeah,” he looked up as Kono came through the door. “Listen, Kono’s back. I’m going to find out what Fong had to say and then we’ll stop for supplies, head over to your place.” Kono raised her brow in question, but he finished his call by saying, “after we square away everything we’ll be by to wait with you.”

“Thanks and thank Kono too…its just, you know…”

And Chin did know, “yeah,” he answered. “See you soon.”

As he pocketed his phone, Kono asked, “What’d he say?”

So on the way out he told her about Danny’s parents and they made a plan for quick fix meals and linen changes, deciding to do a quick clean if Steve’s house needed it and to drive and leave Chin’s car at Steve’s place. That way they could drive both Steve’s truck and Danny’s car to the hospital and in the morning, Chin would take the truck to pick up Danny’s folks and they could use it as needed.

It didn’t take long to pick up what they needed and do a once over at Steve’s place and then they were on their way to Queens.

They parked both vehicles in the parking garage and found the family waiting room on the sixth floor surgical ward.

Steve was slouched in his chair, his chin on his chest, one hand losing its battle to hold a half empty coffee cup in its grasp.

They slid into the chairs on either side and Chin took the cup and sat it on the table in front of them. As soon as the cup was removed, Steve startled awake.

“Hey, guys…what time is it?”

Kono looked at her phone and said, “nearly ten thirty…any news?”

It seemed to take a few seconds for Steve to clear his sleep addled brain, but he straightened in his seat and ran a hand up to smooth down his hair. “A nurse came out a few hours ago to say that Danny was holding his own. She thought it would be three or four more hours yet. You got anything else on Davis?”

“Fong said the serial number was filed off the gun, but he got a partial print off the stock. It’s running now and he did the ballistics and found a match to a B and E from ’09. He has to wait to see if the bullet or a fragment can be retrieved…” and he swallowed hard, because this wasn’t just any victim. If they got the bullet it would be because the surgeon had been able to dig it from Danny’s body. “…to see if it’s a match.”

Steve nodded in understanding, blowing out a breath. “Okay…you guys don’t have to stay…I can call…” but he stopped talking and if Chin had to guess why, it would probably be because of the look on his cousin’s face. “Or, you know…stay. I could use the company.”

So they waited.

And waited some more.

Steve went from sitting to pacing, while Kono fiddled with her phone or picked at her styrofoam cup. Chin tried to read an article in the outdated People magazine, but the printed lines kept blurring and running around the page.

He was bone tired and knew the others where only running on fumes and bad vending machine coffee. The Op had started days before and the take down at the shipping yard happened right before noon, but it seemed a lot longer then that.

Time was standing still all around them, they were in some kind of space time vacuum or something…Max would know.

So it was a huge relief when a man in scrubs approached them. “Family of Danny Williams,” the doctor asked, even though they were the only ones in the waiting room.

Chin tried to get a read on him, was the news good or bad?

Either way, they were about to find out.

Part Four

steve, friendship leading to more, h/c, h50 fic, medical trauma, kono, a time to heal series, chin, danny

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