Title: An Officer and the Noble Woman, Part 13.2 (13 of ?)
Author: dtstrainers
Paring: Donna Noble/Peter Carlisle
Beta/Co-Captain of this Ship: WhosInTheAttic- Thanks again for everything.
Rating: PG here, M for Mature in Part 13.4
Word Count: 3,311 of 12,353 words for all parts of Part 13. LiveJournal hasn't been liking me lately and is making me
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Comments 3
I am loving the details of their interactions. Donna wanting to be his personal shopper... Oh, that might inspire something one day in a DW story for me! :DDDD Now the coat thing... that could come back. One more thing to file away, Peter?
Dinner in front of the telly. How much "watching" is actually going to happen? ;D
Aww, he's not certain she wants to eat in front of the television but she does, and sounds just as uncertain as he did to himself about where they ought to eat.
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