Yeah, I was one of the lucky ones who went to New York to see DT in Richard II AND MY FEELING WAS, "Hey, if I'm spending all this just to go to New York, I might as well get as much as possible out of the trip!"
And I did. Oh, how I did. I drug
serenityslady all over Brooklyn and beyond in the process and had a wonderful time.
Richard II was an amazing experience both nights, even if I did have to share half my seat the first night with the kind of over-the-top obnoxious fanatic who gives Fangirls everywhere a bad name. The performance of every single member of the cast was compelling and gorgeous and perfect and DT had me in tears both nights. If you've read RII, you know it's not a very funny play but the stage business they've added gave it some much-needed levity and humanity and I will never in my life forget how happy I was to just be there.
And on Saturday, Matt Smith flirted with me. Seriously. I was asking them both a question about which roles they most regretted either turning down or not getting, to which Matt revealed that he and Karen had auditioned for Merlin and he'd been bummed about not getting it until this Doctor Who thing came around. Before I could get the question out, though- I was a bit nervous- I said something that Matt gave a bit of a cheeky comment in response and I said, "Oh, I'm not going there", to which Matt responded, "But I will." I laughed and told him THAT would be all over Tumblr by the end of the night, to which he replied that I would be all over Tumblr by the end of the night. He then said," Are we flirting? I think we're flirting." And yeah, it wasn't DT but it was still the Doctor and my little Fangirl heart nearly exploded in my chest.
Long story a bit shorter-