Title: An Officer and the Noble Woman, Part 25 (It'll be done when I stop hearing voices.)
Author: dtstrainers
Paring: Donna Noble/Peter Carlisle
Co-Captain of this Ship: WhosInTheAttic, but all errors are mine alone.
Rating: PG- Plot Galore
Word Count: 3,559
Summary: On the trail of an unusual intruder, Peter and Ian try and make sense of what's
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SEVEN!!! Oh, but he's my favorite Classic Doctor, even more than Four, who was my first Doctor. He was so dark and so goofy at the same time, and I just loved that you never really quite knew what he was up to. You had to have faith that he was on your side, because sometimes, it just didn't seem like it. The scene in Curse of Fenric where he's exhorting the vicar not to lose faith, that faith in something is what repels the Haemovores that are attacking and he starts chanting the names of former companions under his breath... every single time I see that episode- and I've seen it too many times to number - every-single-freakin'-time, I tear up. He may be classic Who, but if you don't know Seven, you're missing out on the roots of everything New Whovians hold dear. That and a Doctor with a Scottish accent, and I'm one happy Whovian.
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