Race Report #2 - Run Auckland Race 3 (Eastern Beach)

May 12, 2009 19:18

On Mother's day, that's when the Run Auckland race 3 was on.
It was going to be me running and the hubby takes the little one cheering on the side but my cousin remembered that I've asked him and his wife to babysit on the day months ago! So we both went for the race and left the little one with her runny nose at home. She wasn't too bothered, as we got her favourite TV programme on the big screen and she was having her bottle at the time. So it's not so bad for her.

Although our babysitters couldn't wait to pack up and go as soon as we got home. The only update I got was: I had enough with the runny nose for a day.

It was supposed to be heavy rain and thunderstorm. That's what the forecast said anyway. But the weather held up nicely for the race, it was beautiful, crisp and sunny! Best of all, it is right by the beach! Great views!!

This race is a bit of a funny one as it's literately everyone running up and down the same road on opposite side of the road, 2 laps for 5K and 4 laps for 10K.

The 10K runners started and did 1 lap before they let the 5K start. It sort of went like, oh we have to wait for a few more minutes, quite a lot of 10K'ers are still coming through... all of a sudden, it was "Oh we have a gap, quick, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, go!"

I made a point to stand at the very back with the walkers, in fact, I was pretty much one of the last people started the race on purpose. I said to myself, I will walk for 3 mins to warm up.

It was great! I had my Buddhist lessons on and I was walking fast to warm up. Because I started at the back, I was mainly passing people rather than having people passing me. I even walked pass runners, well I walk fast and I can't really run that much faster than I can run anyway! :P But for me, this tactic worked well. I didn't go out too hard and can't breath like I did last time!

I must admit, after the first half of the first lap (yes, when I got to the other end of the road), I thought, yep that's enough running! :P Anyway, I carried on and at one point I got cheer along by my previous neighbour, she's doing the 10K walk and was waving from the opposite side of the road.

There was so much human traffic going on, plus the occasional cars driving pass, sometimes it is quite hard to try and pass people. But it was good fun, as I could wave at the hubby every time I see him. I saw him 4 times and he only looked up twice! :P The other times he looked a little dead.

I've also stopped and walked a bit to drink the water on the 2nd lap. This time, I was running the whole time, after the 3 mins warm up walk and the walk for water. I actually started to feel my sore legs towards the end and thought, can I speed up and sprint?! I tried for a bit but too many people and had to run in and out and sometimes on the grass, didn't want to trip over! So it was a modest finish, not quite sprinting but not too slow either!

After I've gone pass the timing mat and I stopped the watch, I realised I've just made it under 30 mins! 29:49 mins on my HR monitor. I recall seeing 28 mins closer to the end as I tried to speed up hoping to make it under 35 mins but wasn't really looking at the time. So I was happy. I didn't even feel dead afterwards!

The funniest thing was, the result came back wrong from the timing chip, cut over 10mins off my time and made me the first of my age group! 18:29 mins it thinks! Oh wait, I just checked it again, 5th of the entire group, first in female and in my age group... Sure, that'd happen in my dreams! Obviously there's a "slight" difference between 18:29 vs 29:49... a "tiny" 11:20 difference!! I even got the hubby's blogger mate sending him a message saying, hey, your wife is fast! Hmm.....

I emailed to say it is wrong, I can't run that fast.... and I got asked very nice and politely... "did you do the 5K or the 10K". Meanwhile I try so hard not to laugh or be mean... seriously, if I can't run 5K in 18.5 mins, I can't run that time in 10K for sure! Or 28 mins for 10K.... considering the first guy came back from the 10K one in 27mins and he went to Olympics before!! I don't know what to say!

Hopefully they will fix up my results soon! Coz I'm curious of the results from the timing chip... well the proper one... as usually it is slightly faster than my watch time. (of course, it is, just a bit more than slightly :P)

Stories I can tell to my grandchildren, eh! Oh wait, maybe my daughter first. :P
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