
Feb 01, 2004 09:51

Current Mood: Annnoyed

Current Music: Your Song (from Moulin Rouge)

So last night, and the night before I was at Kurt's house. First night was really relaxing, we played Nintendo (LOL Mario 3....Jesus that's not from back in the day) and watched Moulin Rouge. I just love Kurt, he's such a great kid :)

Last night was major drama. We ended up talking about bisexuality, and I told him that I honestly don't think it exists. I think that people always prefer one sex to the other, and yes, it's possible for a heterosexual to have feelings for someone of the same sex at one point in their life, just as it it possible for a homosexual to have feelings for someone of the opposite sex, but sexual orientation is your preference, and I feel that everyone does prefer one sex to the other. (Sorry for getting all political guys!) Well, he was telling his friend, who is also "bisexual" and she flipped out on me!

First she told me that I'm the "reason there was a closet in the first place." Meanwhile, how dare she say that, because I am totally accepting of anyone, and my BEST FRIEND is gay, or bi, or whatever the hell. I was just saying how I feel. She started telling me how ignorant I am, and that she lost all respect for me because I tried to change who she is.. I told her that I honestly don't care who she has sex with, I was just saying how I feel on it, and maybe I'm wrong, but I honestly don't think I am. She says that as a straight person, I have no right to say anything.

So that's why I'm so annoyed, not because she called me ignorant, or because she said I'm the reason there is a closet, but because she makes it like my opinions mean nothing because I am a straight person. I feel like little by little, people are losing thier right to express themselves because someone is constantlly being offended. Just like the other day in history, I can't express my opinion on Affermative Action because I'm white? It just really frustrates me. I feel as if we live in such a censored society, and suddenly, it is the majority who has been banned from their opinions for fear of being politically incorrect.

I am not a racist, and I'm not homophobic. I don't care what color your skin is, or who you like to sleep with. I just want to be allowed to speak freely without someone always censoring me because I "just don't know what it's like." No matter what, someone is always going to be offended, but I guess that's just how life goes.. There is no politically correct anymore. Everyone is constantly trying to shield the rights of someone else. I'm just so sick of this!

On a lighter note, I've been talking to this kid Joe lately, so who knows? I'm not getting my hopes up, because every time I do, I end up crying in the end, but I dunno, I can see it working out. We shall see. Well, I've got some homework to get done. Depending on how eventful my day is, I may post later.

(And I'm really sorry if I offended anyone, I mean no harm)
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