The Weekend

Apr 10, 2005 15:28

I hopped on the bandwagon and joind the LJ club. I have no idea how to use this so give me a chance here. I know it isnt half as pretty as everyone elses. Anways this weekend was alright. Prom wasnt the best. I ended up sleeping on Camis boat. So around 8am saturday morning jandy decided to wake us up. We dropped off Lissy then me. Later on i went to the baseball game vs. columbus. It felt as if it was sunday since we were up all nite. We won the game like usual. Yes won. Lindy, Nathali, and I left to tacobell and met up with luis and gaby. Afterwards we checked out this LaSalle party in kendall then headed out to Camis house. Mike, gyselle, Jandy, Lissy, Orly, and Dulce got there too. We went to the insane asylum again. Pretty scary. I came out of there with war marks this time lol (thanks gaby). yea thats pretty much it. going to take a nap. nite.
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