Title: The Unauthorized Story of a Lesbian Undercover
Chapter: 3
Summary: Ellie goes to Paige for help on an article
Pairing: Pellie deliciousness
Rating: PG-13, because I'm a prude
Why hello there, friends. As promised, here's another update. Consider yourselves lucky because I don't think I've updated this much ever, with any story, and believe me I was an avid updater when I wrote for Charmed. These two just manage to inspire me a lot with their combined hotness, as do your reviews, which I thank you very much for.
So sorry to my Canadian friends who had to bear with me making up my own newspaper name for the city of Toronto. But come on, it seriously should be called the Toronto Times. Alliteration is always a winner. So here's a shout out to the Toronto Sun, which is the real newspaper in TO.
Warning: I feel it is my duty to inform you that there is mention of Paige's rape in this chapter. Not graphic or detailed, but people are strange sometimes so just to let you know. Okay, that's it. On with the chapter.
The next week had been interesting, to say the least. Ellie had been afraid that excessive amounts of time spent with Paige would turn her into a snotty bitch prep who wore entirely too much pink and drank sugar-filled iced coffee drinks because they couldn’t handle their coffee black. This was not the case, however because Ellie soon came to find out that Paige wasn’t like that at all. She was a completely different person than she had been in high school, and Ellie was glad for it.
The two had gone on several outings for the week, many of them at The Dot for some coffee, which Paige had stopped ordering black because she finally had to admit that she couldn’t stand it. They talked sometimes about strange and random things, but never about the past, and never about Ellie’s article. Most times they just sat, engrossed in their thoughts separately, but enjoying the fact that neither of them was alone for once.
Other times they went shopping, and Ellie noticed that these were the times that Paige seemed more like her usual self than anything. She’d get an excited glint in her eye whenever they’d near the mall, and Ellie knew she was in for a few excruciating hours of hell. But she enjoyed it more than she let on, because Paige was fun this way and Ellie liked having her around. They were happy with the arrangement that they had, and Marco and Dylan were both happy that they were happy.
Ellie thought about these things as she neared her mother’s house. She thought about them because she couldn’t deal with the other thoughts that said house brought with it. The memories of her mother lying on the couch, passed out cold from a night’s worth of drowning her sorrows (and her liver) in whatever alcohol she could scrounge up. The memories of the fire that her mother had inadvertently caused, and of course the memories of Ellie in her bedroom cutting herself because it was easier than dealing with what was going on around her. These memories were not ones that Ellie cared to think about at the moment, and so she thought about Paige instead, because Paige managed to make her forget all of the bad stuff for a little while.
The blonde had offered to come with her, knowing that the look of calm on Ellie’s face was only a mask to hide the one of terror underneath. She said that she could go with her, and stay in the car and be there for support when Ellie was done. Ellie appreciated the thought, but they both knew that this was one of those things that she had to do alone. Visiting her mother was not something that she liked, but it wasn’t something that she could avoid either. It had to be done.
Ellie found her mother well; looking haggard and worn, but well just the same, and the visit was not the catastrophe that she always expected it would be. Still, the only thing she really wanted after the strained and awkward visit was to go home and curl up on the couch for a little while. She barely did anything on this trip, and it still managed to exhaust her beyond belief. Marco was waiting for her in the kitchen with a strong cup of coffee, which she took gratefully, along with his proffered hug.
“How was it?” he asked.
“It was good, I guess. She’s doing good, so, it was good.” Marco prodded no more, and Ellie took her coffee upstairs to her room, where she sat on her bed for a good hour or more until a knock on the doorframe lifted her out of her thoughts. Paige was standing there looking calm as ever in her ripped jeans and baby blue t-shirt, holding a plate of something.
“Hey, hon,” she said, entering the room slowly and perching on the edge of Ellie’s bed. “I brought you some cookies. Thought they might cheer you up.” Ellie raised an eyebrow skeptically, looking at the small round baked goods sitting innocently on the plate.
“Since when do you bake?” she asked cautiously. Paige grinned.
“I don’t, but the coffee shop down the street does and they have the best cookies in town. Here, try one. If nothing else the sugar rush will make you bouncy.”
“Bouncy?” Ellie laughed. “Have you ever seen me bouncy?” She took a cookie anyway, taking a small bite out of it. Paige was right, it was very good.
“Okay, well maybe bouncy was a bit optimistic,” Paige agreed. She too took a cookie and the two of them sat there for a few minutes in silence, as they were often prone to do. Ellie knew that Paige was waiting for her to say something about her visit to her mom, but Paige never asked and Ellie was glad for it. The blonde always let her speak in her own time, no matter what it was about.
“She’s doing better,” Ellie said quietly and Paige looked up at her, giving her full attention. “I think rehab’s helping, but… I just don’t think I’ll ever be able to have that normal mother-daughter relationship with her. Maybe I don’t even want that, I just wish that I knew I could talk to her sometimes. I wish I could call her and tell her my problems, and have her worry over me and give me that advice that only mothers can seem to give. Is it wrong to wish that she would be better so that she could help me fix my problems?”
Paige stared into Ellie’s dark brown eyes sparkling with unshed tears and shook her head, pulling the girl close to her and holding her tightly. “No, sweetie. It’s not wrong. It’s not wrong,” she whispered soothingly, stroking the dark red tresses as Ellie clung to her as though she might fall off the face of the earth if she let go. When they finally parted Paige offered her a sympathetic smile and Ellie laughed weakly, wiping a stray tear out of her eye.
“Sorry,” she apologized quickly and Paige shook her head.
“Don’t be, hon. You know I’m always here if you want to talk,” she said seriously. Ellie nodded, staring into those pale blue eyes far longer than was necessary. Her chest tightened in anticipation as she realized that she wanted to kiss Paige again. Paige seemed to know what was happening too, but she said nothing as Ellie leaned closer to her. When they were only a few inches apart Paige closed her eyes and put her hand on Ellie’s chest, gently stopping her from moving any further. Ellie looked at her in confusion as Paige pulled away looking sad and slightly apologetic. “Ellie, I… I can’t. I’m sorry. I can’t be a part of your newspaper experiment, not now. I’m sorry.”
She put her hand on Ellie’s cheek, looking very sorry indeed. The redhead barely had time to lean into the touch before it was gone. Paige stood up and left the room, leaving nothing but her lingering scent, an empty feeling of guilt in Ellie’s heart, and a half eaten plate of cookies.
Both Paige and Ellie were fairly quiet the next few days, a normalcy for Paige, but not so much for Ellie. Marco noticed as much, but when he questioned her about it, she told him that everything was fine and she was just a little distracted with school and the newspaper. This wasn’t a total lie, but her distraction with the newspaper happened to come in the form of a pretty blonde whom Ellie found herself missing, even though their rooms were only a few feet away.
The two were polite to each other when they had to speak, but when it was possible they mostly avoided each other. Ellie was consumed with guilt for trying to use Paige to write her article when they’d already been making such good progress as friends just in the first week. She wasn’t sure if Paige was mad at her or not, but she decided that it was best to give the blonde some space.
Still, Ellie couldn’t quite shake the feeling that perhaps there was something more to her attempt to kiss Paige the other day than just the article. In fact, she realized that she hadn’t even been thinking of the article at all when it had happened, and her actions had come purely out of the moment at hand. So what did that mean? Did she like Paige? Well of course she liked Paige, but did she want a relationship with her? Perhaps she was just worrying too much and it wasn’t anything to do with Paige at all. Perhaps she’d just been overwhelmed by the emotion she was feeling and would have tried to do the same exact thing had it been Marco or Dylan in Paige’s spot. Regardless of that, she had to admit that she wasn’t entirely fond of her non-communication with the blonde, and decided that she needed to rectify the situation as soon as possible.
The opportunity to do just that presented itself one night in the form of noise, and a lot of it coming from Paige’s bedroom. Ellie had been putting the finishing touches on an assignment for one of her classes in her bedroom when the faint sound of whimpering floated through her open door. She looked up, listening hard, but there was nothing there, and she figured that she had probably just imagined it. That was until she heard it again, a little bit louder this time and a lot more desperate. Ellie frowned and set her laptop aside, moving to the doorway and listening out into the hall.
The sound was coming from Paige’s bedroom, and more specifically from Paige herself. If Ellie hadn’t already known that Paige had gone to bed alone, she would have sworn that there was something promiscuous going on in there. These were not good whimpers, however, and Ellie was beginning to worry as they grew louder. Deciding to investigate, she moved slowly to Paige’s bedroom. The door barely cracked open, and Ellie listened to Paige’s distress for a moment before pushing it open the whole way.
It was dark in the room, but the light from the hallway illuminated it a bit so that Ellie could see Paige lying in her bed, the covers wrapped messily around her as she thrashed about. She was muttering something in her sleep, and as Ellie moved closer she could tell that the girl was pleading with someone, begging them to stop whatever it was that they were doing to her. Ellie wasn’t sure if she should wake Paige up or not, but the look of terror that had etched itself on the girl’s face made her decide that Paige was better off awake than asleep at the moment, so she walked over to her, placing her hand on Paige’s shoulder and shaking gently. This caused more harm than good as Paige thrashed even harder.
“Paige, wake up,” Ellie urged, shaking a bit harder.
“No,” Paige moaned in her sleep. “No, stop. Please stop.”
“Paige come on, it’s just a dream. Wake up. Come back to reality,” Ellie said, louder this time as she placed both hands on Paige’s shoulders.
“Get off! Get off me!” Paige yelled, kicking underneath the covers.
The blonde bolted upright, causing Ellie to jump back away from the bed. Paige looked around wildly, panting heavily as she tried to catch her breath and recognize her surroundings. Her eyes darted to Ellie and she finally seemed to realize that the dream was over. She put her head in her hands, shoulders shaking with silent sobs, and Ellie was at a slight loss for what to do before her brain kicked in and she sat down on the bed, taking Paige into her arms.
“Shh, it’s okay,” she soothed as the blonde sobbed into her shoulder. “It’s over now. You’re safe.” These reassurances only caused Paige to cry harder, and the sound of her strangled sobs as she struggled for breath made Ellie’s heart break a little. Ellie held onto her tightly, rocking her back and forth as she soothed her, until Paige’s cries finally died down to short, shaky gasps for air. Paige pulled back and looked at Ellie, her face red and her eyes puffy, cheeks stained with tears. Ellie reached up and brushed them away, offering Paige a small smile. “You okay?” Paige nodded.
“Yeah,” she croaked, her voice hoarse from crying. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” Ellie assured her. “Do you want me to go?”
“No,” Paige said quickly, gripping Ellie’s arm tightly. “Can you just… lay here with me?”
Ellie was slightly surprised by this request and the way that Paige sounded so small when asking, but she nodded anyway, letting Paige shift over so that she could lay down with her. Paige rested her head on Ellie’s shoulder, curling up alongside the girl and Ellie put her arm around her protectively, stroking her pajama-clad arm as Paige settled down. They stayed like that for quite some time, so that Ellie was beginning to believe that Paige had fallen asleep again when the blonde suddenly spoke.
“It was like I was living it all over again,” she said quietly, her voice back to normal now. “I felt like I was suffocating. I tried to get away, but he was so strong.” Her voice was barely above a whisper now.
Ellie knew about Paige’s rape when she was fifteen, but she’d never heard about the details of it, nor did she care to. The though of someone forcing themselves on anyone was disgusting to her, and she couldn’t imagine how Paige dealt with it daily. She suspected that after time it got easier, but still…
“I kept telling him to stop, but he just… wouldn’t,” Paige continued, her voice cracking again. “Why wouldn’t he stop, Ellie? Why wouldn’t he stop?” Ellie felt her heart break all over again as she pulled Paige closer to her.
“I don’t know, Paige,” she said honestly. “But it doesn’t matter anymore. You’ve got Marco and Dylan now. You’ve got me. I’ll protect you, keep you safe.” She meant to say “we’ll protect you,” but it seemed that her mind liked the idea of promising to be Paige’s personal protector, and Ellie had to agree. Paige pressed herself closer to Ellie, if that was at all possible, and Ellie held her tighter. Placing a small kiss on the top of Paige’s head, she whispered, “you’ve got me,” until Paige fell asleep again, nightmare free.
Oh the sweetness of Paige and Ellie together... -swoon- Review me, y'all. Next chapter to come sooooooon.
TexasWatermelon. It's good for the soul.
Chapter 4