Countdown to Palex Fest 2010!

Jan 31, 2010 22:25

Palex Appreciation Month begins in just a few short hours and runs all the way 'til February 28th. We're excited to share our fics, vids, art, etc with you over the course of the month - and we can't WAIT for your amazing contributions and submissions to start rolling in!

Here are just a few simple posting guidelines:

1) Please tag your entry with the "palex appreciation month" tag
2) If you are also posting your submissions elsewhere, kindly mention us in your Summary or Author's Note and provide a link back to
3) If you have used a prompt from the Prompt List, please make reference to it somewhere in your Summary or Author's Note

We are also on Twitter! Follow us at For those of you who found us through Twitter but do not have and/or do not wish to create an LJ account, you can still submit contributions! Email your submission to and we'll be happy to post it on your behalf. Please include details as to how you would like to be identified/credited for your work (ie. pen name, twitter account, link back to a personal blog or website, etc)

Don't forget to check the Prompts List if you need some inspiration or if you would to submit a prompt - suggestions will be accepted right up to the end of February!

As always if you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email, DM us on Twitter, or leave us a comment!

palex appreciation month

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