boy howdy u r in 4 a treet dare daniel
y iz dat saym
bcuz we fixd dem endin's boi
wowee it isn't breaking, and lalum is no longer the bane of everyone's existence
that looked like crap before, so i changed it
chapter is too long when it gets into double digits and gaidens, so it had to be shortened(there was only one header for Chapter, and it was universal, same with the digit numbers 0-9. this game is a think tank LOLZORS)
eventfix for chapter...whatchamacallit is up, been up, FOREVER UP >:O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no more chapter script problems (hopefully ;_;)
title screen hasn't moved very far. need a new font for that scroll yessuh, and that copyright sign got butfkd 4 some reasons ROFLMAO!11111111111111111111111///////////
theres a rough 130 pages of support conversations to be revised still o N00ESSSSSSZZZZZZZ
no patch 2day srry
CO Raptor designed that wonderful "Fire Emblem" up top there for us, so he deserves a heaping applause and is a member of the team on the 'Graphics' division(or part, or whatever that insane twilkitri will complain about)