First, GIP. I remade my old icon. I don't care if I'm the only Garet/Mia fangirl in the world, I think they're cute. XD *one tracked mind*
Second, I beat Golden Sun. 20 hours, level 31 (except for Kenta -_-) I STILL couldn't get the Blessed Mace *facepalms*. I got it in my other game on level 28 -_-;;; I must have used a different RNG method... Aiba with a Crystal Rod is cool. It's unleash drown can sometimes get a 1hitKO :D Yeah Aiba!
Third, the final scene cracked me up. This game kind of aims toward Felix/Sheba, whom I renamed to Kouji and Doori (Sakurada, new Ryoma if you forgot) so it was really really awkward with the whole Kouji had to save Doori thing. I kept snickering. XDDDD;;;
Fourth, er this. I'm hoping to finish this by part five or six... since a lot of it, I didn't screenshot since nothing really happened.
The dorky adventures of Kenta, Yuu, Ruito, and Aiba as Isaac, Garet, Ivan, and Mia
(very very image heavy, these get longer and longer because I'm rushing to the end XD;)
part I |
II |
III | IV |
V |
VIWith Aiba on their side (and by Yuu), they return to the Kolima Forest to save the tree Tret from dying. And everything in the forest was restored yatta!
Laurel, the other talking tree reveals that since the Volcano erupted in Vale (Kenta and Yuu's hometown), Psynergy Stones have rained on the world and creatures are all acting strange. They warn Kenta and his friends that if he is to head south, they all must be careful of these creatures.
As shown here in the Mogall Forest that will have you going in fucking CIRCLES. X_X So we're all betting this used to be a good little... ape ._.;;;
(Holy shit, I just noticed I entered that boss battle without healing Kenta to full health.)
The next city with some slight importance is the sinking city of Altin, once known for it's underground (working) mines. When you enter a city with this tune, it means it's in trouble and to make it happy again, YOU have to save it. There are living statues that are spitting out water making most of the city merge under water. After you defeat the mini living statues, you have to defeat the boss, to of course, move on.
Kenta has discovered in this game, he doesn't like to listen to the wood signs.
So he hits the stump down
Watch out for falling rocks it says.
RUN DAMMIT. (Scientifically speaking he probably wouldn't have made it but I don't think video games care about the laws of science XD)
It gives him more bad memories of Kouji disappearing. Again ;_;
WELL will you look at that! The Statue is alive XD
And now it's not. XD And then it fucking MELTS and you get the lift gem :D (I think? XD)
Hooray! We saved another city! Now it's time to visit an important someone or they'll die in the desert. After exiting Altin using it's underground mines,
They reach Lama Temple where someone has already known there were arriving. Her name is Hama. I can't give any other information or I'll spoil the game >_>
Ruito obviously has no idea he's an Adept like Kenta, Yuu, and Aiba XDDDD;;; She goes on to explain that in order to get further to reach the Elemental Stars, you will need the Psynergy ability "Reveal" to get past the desert since Kazuki is way ahead of you
Ouch Yuu ._. But Hama defends Kouji's behalf
;____________________________; Oh poor Kouji *cries* T^T
You won't know until the next game XD Sorry
Oh you have no idea -_-
The desert she is talking about that you have to go through in order to reach Kaley is the Lamakan Desert. It's so hot that if you want to live, you'll have to cool yourself in the oasis. In order to see the oasis, you need reveal
See? Even mommy says Ruito should learn reveal! With that aside, Ruito learns the technique and off they go!
Kenta will soon learn that this trip to a desert is going to be the death of him.
As you can see XD there is a little temperature reading, if it raises to the top, the whole party take 50+ damage, so within a certain amount of time, you will all pass out. You can decrease the temperature by cooling off in the oasis. Unfortunately for Kenta, everyone complains to no end and he feels like killing everyone anyways.
Kenta: ................
But in the end, they finally reach the exit XDDDD;;;; And a boss fight.
Now Kenta is out of that hell hole, they can go to Ruito's hometown, Kaley. Ruito discovers that Hayashi is still being held hostage in Lunpa. He also discovers that he was meant to travel with Kenta and Yuu,
They will not be able to save Hayashi yet but later. Because the bridge is now fixed, we can backtrack to Vault and Vale for mini sidequests to find more of Flint's dijinn friends. Saving Hayashi is an optional sidequest, the only reason why you want to do it is get the a Mercury Djinn later.
So on with the little side quests...
In which Kenta's party almost gets killed.
Yuu is VERY DISPLEASED that the mimic almost killed his Aiba. Therefore summons Meteor and killed the dinosaurs the mimic.
When they return to Vale, they look around...
Kenta: .........................
No comment
Kenta finds Zukki who is standing by where Kouji disappeared three years ago.
*mind read*
ZukAda. XD; Therefore I lose.
They go to visit Yuu's family and are introduced to Yuu's new friends. Though they will live soon, we'll stick around ne? ^_^
XD Oh and I do wonder too. ^_~
Apparently over the years the Marill's evolved and turned pink. -_-
We go back to Kaley so Kenta and his friends can set sail to Tolbi :D
Way to crush Yuu's hopes -_-
Awww XD;;;;
And so they set sail... and get attacked once in a while...
Boss fight giant squid of the great sea? @_@
To be continued |D;
To Tolbi for gamble and wasting money! Er, and save the ruler of Tolbi and... other things >_>
My data has been transferred to my Golden Sun The Lost Age so I can start that. Though it's not exciting until later (I HAVE TO SAVE PIERS!MINAMI ;A;!!) I spent too much time in Air's Rock in my last game, I don't remember what happened before that. D: This playthrough will go so slowly... TLA is LOOOOOOOOOOONG.