First happy birthday, Hitsugaya you little brat! ♥ Love you even though the filler's art killed you so. T_T
Third, oh the severe brain loss I have suffered~ ^______^ I mean, ;______; Tomorrow will be hell but it will be all over. Though I still have to figure out a way to make my presentation without sounding like a fucking idiot. "Yo. This is my final project. It's like a book. These are the little cute people whom live in my head. These are different kinds of lines and LINES dammit, please ignore the implied shounen ai!!!" @///@;; I've got until 7:30 PM. Told you I had fun with my final.
Oh the post, Ihatmakingbanners. Ihatmakingbanners. Ihatmakingbanners. At least... I tried. T____T *goes to angst in her corner in uh... her room.*
*remembers her room has no free corners*
......Huah? >_O
Anyways (HOMG did I fail? X'D I'm sorry!):
New Years Spam Fest 2006-07
Having 500+ screenshots of Shishido x Otori from TeniMyu comes in handy. O______O|||
Everything KamaDate, DateKama, Cine!KamaOtori goes. XD Yes, including CinePuri because I can't get rid of it.
nikihiiragizawa and I will be killing ourselves for 12 days, each of us has 6 days. :D I will start late tomorrow once I'm home after my exams and huummm, I'll list the posts we make on this post. I think Nikki is posting at
xkirakirax. She also has ShiroAi for Christmas spam and because I had exams, this is a little late.
If my scanner commits suicide during this time, I will resort to mouse drawing... again... and then my posts will be slow XD; Watch us go insane and stuff. Fufufufu~~ >D
Complete Listing
Fanart - Needs a "Do Not Disturb" sign [PG-13] (DTN)
Fanfic - Daisuke [PG-13] (Nikki)
Mood Theme - KamaDate as ShishiTori (DTN)
Fanfic - Names [PG] (Nikki)
Fanart - My Choutarou [PG] (DTN)
Fanfic - First Impressions [PG] (Nikki)
Icons - x38 (DTN)
Fanfic - Detention [PG] (Nikki)
4 Koma/doujinshi - Date Kenta [G] (DTN)
Fanfic - Candy [PG] (Nikki)
Fanart(s) - untitled [PG/PG13] (DTN)
Fanfic - Reasons for Everything [PG-13] (Nikki)
Then the world will end- *SHOT*