(no subject)

Jul 02, 2006 20:20

hey wad up? not too much here just chillin and killin time but here is a little thing i wrote i dont know wat 4 it was just on my mind: i dont know what to say on this little thingy but ive had icq for ever and im not lookin for no boyfriend just people to chill and talk to but im in love wit someone that i dont think i would ever get but i cant help but to fall in love wit the person i can never have i just have to let go dontcha know that its very hard to let go i havent let go of bout 3 pppl that ive been in love wit yeah i need to and i know that i should but i havent yet and to get someone else i need let them go they say if u love something uve got to let it go and if it comes back then it means so much more but i dont think none of them will come back to me if they do i really hope that it is soon but i got to go for now but not forever im outtie peace but im not gone yet i have this other little thingy it is my about on icq:ThE dAy I mEeT u WaS sO fReAkIn AwEsOmE I nEvEr ThOuGhT I wOuLd FaLl 4 U! WhEn I FiRsT sAw U I dIdNt LiKe U i DiDnT eVeN dArE 2 lOoK aT u BuT lAtEr ThAt DaY i StArTeD 2 tHiNk BoUt WaT i SaW &IT WaS tHe sExCiEsT gUy EvEr!! WeLl SiNcE u R a LiL bIt FaR aWaY I mIsS SeEiNg U LiKe Im DyInG ExTrA sLOw BuT I WiLl sToP bReAtHiN iF I NeVeR SeE u AgAiN! I hOpE I DO bUt U mEaN tHe WoRlD 2 mE! ThEsE R A FeW OtHer pPl ThAt mEaN tHe WoRlD 2 mE My FaMiLy,mojo,RuSsELL RiCE-bEsTfRiEnD and uve listened to my problems and helped me out,justin collins uve done the same,peaches,eric,jake,hannah,and amber-we have been into over justin an dstuff but over all we are cool and that is all the people that mean the world to me!!


♥ u guys alwayz


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