Nov 26, 2006 09:06
You know the saying that if you die in a dream than you die in real life?
Well, its not true
So I just woke up and this was my dream:
I was with someone possible Amanda and we were joking and laughing and what not. And we look into this resturant, maybe...could've been the UC, but I don't think so, it just looked like it. And there was this long line of people waiting to be let in. So we hear gun shots, and instead of running we put our heads down against the glass. And the gunman comes over presses the gun to my head (a place that I can STILL feel this morning)and shoots. I could feel my brain gurgling and then dying.
So I woke up.
And the moral: if you hear gunshots you cross the street, so that Allison doesn't get a bullet in the head.
Ya know I thought I'd be more freaked out about dreaming about my death than I am....