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dtissagirl May 15 2013, 22:25:22 UTC
Thank you! I was afraid that Pepper wouldn't be much in the movie, it was a great surprise that she ended up being so crucial to the entire narrative. :)


serafina19 May 10 2013, 05:06:15 UTC
Just watched this tonight, so now I can read all of your posts and not get spoiled. .... And run to check out the new National.

Anywho, I love every word of this. Pepper is so amazing in this movie and when she defeated the suit/Killian, I had the biggest grin on my face.

There's just something so refreshing about the Pepper/Tony relationship, because despite the distance, they get each other and find a way to make it work. These days, it's nice to see that as opposed to making drama for the sake of making drama. (And yes- Tony sending the 42 to save Pepper is pretty darn romantic)


dtissagirl May 15 2013, 22:28:47 UTC
If you haven't gotten the new National yet, just let me know and I'll hook you up with a download. :)

I see a lot of parallels between Pepper/Tony and Chloe/Ollie because they're both relationships that developed over time, and they had seen the other at their best and worst, AND both couples have a truly equal partnership, which is SO RARE, and so hard to find, especially in superhero genre. I'm just really grateful that the IM3 writers realized they needed Pepper to be central to the story too.


serafina19 May 17 2013, 03:21:34 UTC
I've been so swamped this week, I haven't even had a chance to look for it yet. So if you wouldn't mind, that would be awesome :)

That is so true. That said, despite how rare it is, when that legit partnership exists, the couple feels that much more believable. The fact that we get it in the superhero genre (and that both couples have incredible chemistry) is just an extra perk.


dtissagirl May 18 2013, 16:08:21 UTC
Download link: http://cosmia.org/musique/indiepopwhatever/ntnltwfm.rar :) If you wanna peruse that folder [http://cosmia.org/musique/indiepopwhatever], there's a ton of other stuff, feel free to download whatever you want.

when that legit partnership exists, the couple feels that much more believable.



fortunateizzi May 10 2013, 18:08:28 UTC
Yes, calling the Mark for Pepper was so romantic, I almost teared up.. and I am not easily moved.


dtissagirl May 15 2013, 22:31:06 UTC
I cry easily at everything, but hee, I get your point. It was so unexpected [even though I knew from one of the trailers Pepper would be wearing the suit at some point] that Tony called it FOR HER, with no regard to his own safety.


_jems_ May 11 2013, 21:01:17 UTC
I love how Pepper's role keeps growing with every movie, it feels so counter-intuitive to how it's usually done in superhero movies. And I love how they keep hers and Tony's relationship grounded in a world where everything else is fantastical.

Most romantic thing a superhero ever did for his girlfriend y/y?
A resounding HELL YES. Beats Superman reversing time to save Lois any day.


dtissagirl May 15 2013, 22:36:37 UTC
YES. I really like it that both Maya and Pepper have actual driving-the-narrative-forward roles in this movie, they're not just there as Tony's verison of Bond girls, which they could have easily been if the writers hadn't made an effort to make them interesting.

And you add that to the INSANE chemistry RDJ and Gwyneth have, it's no wonder they've become one of my favorite pairings ever. :)

Also, Supes reversing time is WRONG FAKE SCIENCE, which in my world, disqualifies him from the get go. *g*


fickery May 12 2013, 23:54:15 UTC
But the thing that I love here is that once he tells her what's going on, she GETS it, and promptly sets herself to help in anyway she can.
YES. Given how much he was hiding from her I can't blame her for being irritated or even angry, but when he finally 'fesses up, you can see her going, "Okay, now that I see what we're dealing with, we will handle this, together." Because as you pointed out, she's a problem-solver by nature. THE problem-solver.

- One of my favorite things about movie!Tony is that while he generally hates social interaction, if it comes down to it, he has zero qualms about delegating both as Tony [hence making Pepper CEO of Stark Industries] and as Iron Man [he actively told Cap to call the action once the aliens invaded NYC, because Tony *knows* he sucks at being a soldier, and at giving other people strategic orders].I love this about Tony too. It would be easy to see his genius and eye for detail and obsessiveness and think, here is a guy who has to be a micromanager, because he would never trust someone else ( ... )


dtissagirl May 15 2013, 22:55:35 UTC
The smartest thing Marvel did besides hire RDJ was to make Tony *likable*, or at least relatable, to the other characters in the 'verse. He's still the genius billionaire playboy philanthropist, but all the other characters, at one point or another, learn he's got a good heart. And him being able to delegate, and relinquish control, make him likable to the audience as well.

It's funny, I don't really care for Maria Hill in the comics [she's the one who wanted the Superhero Registration Act that started the Marvel Civil War], but because the movies are pretty much ignoring comic canon, I'm excited to see what she's gonna be like in the next Cap movie, and in SHIELD. One thing I do like about her in the comics is that she never even wanted to be Director of SHIELD that much, but she's got a sense of duty going on, so she does it, and later on she's Tony's Deputy when he's in command, again because she understands nobody else can do it.


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