but i haven't thought of you lately at all

Feb 06, 2012 21:46

I said I was gonna write about Hart of Dixie next, but I wanted to do some picspamming along with, and then I got stuck, so here's for something completely different.

Last week a Logan/Veronica fic rec list showed up in my flist, and ever since then, I've been reading tons of Veronica Mars fic. And then today I watched the first 4 episodes again, and will probably keep watching all of S1 [minus the finale], and a few selected episodes of S2.

It's funny, for a while there I got angry whenever I thought about VMars, so much so I spent a few years without having anything to do with it, but now I only have fond memories of omgsway!* and since I ignore S3 ever existed, I also have nothing but a good time on rewatches now. I still think Rob Thomas is the source of all evil, and I still mock KBell a lot, but it has no resentment behind it anymore.

Anyway. Here's the thing -- I never really read much VMars fic. I didn't when I watched it because I was good with that the show gave me, and then I BROKE UP with it ~forever and didn't want anything to do with it... but now I wanna read the fic. [And by fic I mean the Veronica/Logan fic, not interested in much of anything else *g*]. So I found _jems_'s recs, and this comm, which lists fic by topic, and this blog that lists fic by episode... but I was wondering, oh magnanimous flist, if any of you guys would have favorite fics they would like to rec me? I'd be pretty grateful.

[* HOLYCRAP so much people still lists omgsway! as an interest. That might just be my proudest fandom moment. Hee.]


In other news, I've become one of those people who have an iTouch and an Android smartphone, and a Kindle, and an iPad, and now I'm eyeing some netbook I totally don't need AT ALL, but I waaaaants it so because it's so pretty and it's like a mini-version of my big notebook, except tiny... and I REGRET NOTHING, actually. Yay, consumerism.


omgsway, tv: veronica mars

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