Why, hello, flist. This is laughable attempt at going back to journaling number eleventy billion, please do feel free to point and laugh when I fail miserably again.
The plan is, instead of making one really long-winded post talking about everything and nothing, I go with smaller ones, sticking to one or two topics MAX each. Let's see if it works.
First -- I had abandoned The Vampire Diaries waaaay back in S1 when vamp dude who looks 40 years old turned into Angelus the first time. But a couple of my RL friends kept insisting the show got better, so during this past New Year's Eve weekend, I got all caught up.
And turns out the show did get better.
- Now. I still find both Salvatores EXTREMELY douchey, and I'm not exactly fond of Elena either, which yeah, it's kind of a drag to watch a show when you couldn't care less for the main characters, but fortunately, I do really love most of the supporting characters.
- Also, it bugs me that every single episode there is some other character telling Elena how awesome/great/caring/pretty/magical she is. Just... writing 101, folks, SHOW ME that she's all those things instead shoving it down my throat via forced dialog. I'm pretty sure I'd like her a lot better if I weren't eye-rolling so hard at the blatant gushing.
- I also kinda miss Katherine and her nervous tic motion of the head to the left. She was cuckoo, but she amused me, whereas The Originals just boooooore me to death.
- So of course I'm pretty much only watching for the Caroline/Tyler storyarc, because well, I 'ship therefore I am, and they're just the kind of couple I'm drawn to. Obviously since Tyler turned hybrid [I read "Prius!Tyler" somewhere earlier today and HA. Stealing that from now on!] their storyline is all angstytimes dramalhama, but, you know, FIGURES.
But I'm still pretty fascinated by both Caroline's and Tyler's individual journeys, I guess even more than their actual pairing. They're the two characters who've grown the most -- looking at them back in S1, it's hard to even recognize them. And while I really dislike the hybrid storyline, I'm intrigued by the idea of Tyler wanting to break the sire bond, even if his motivation is All Caro All The Time.
Plus, Trevino is the only dude on this show who makes me cry in his more emotional scenes, instead of making me want to throw things at the TV when Ian Sommerfaces widens his eyes so hard I fear they're gonna pop out, or when 40-year-old!vamp frowns so hard I fear his forehead will collapse onto itself.
- I admit I love Alaric because he's pretty and he looks like a young Harrison Ford. *g* But well, I'm a sucker for families that don't really have blood ties amongst them, so whenever he's Daddy!Ric to Elena and/or Jeremy, I melt a little bit.
- I'm pretty mad at Elena for sending Jeremy away because JEREMY! He's like a PG-13 Jason Stackhouse! [Not that I even watch True Blood anymore, but the sentiment stands.] And his is the only manpain on this show that I find kinda adorable, 'cause, you know, TEENAGER -- almost entitled to having emo, and not twelve hundred years old emo-ing all over my television for no reason whatsoever.
- Which brings me to Klaus. When dude first showed up, I found him a nuisance, but that was about it. Now that he's stuck to the show like warm gum to my shoes, I find him EXTREMELY BORING OMG ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. He has no apparent motivation for anything he does, and worse -- it's clear the writing is doing some hugeass woobiefication of him, and gah, boring trope is boring. Psychopaths are BAD, mmmkay?!
[It also bugs me that the actor speaks. in. super. slow. motion. all. the. time. And he moves his mouth waaaay to much to form words, it's so creepy. He's like the Drew Barrymore of vampires!]
- Anyway. I know where the Caroline/Tyler fic hides, I found a couple of people who write interesting meta, it's good enough for me for now.
...At least 'til they ruin my 'ship forever and I quit the vampires again.
I should probably make at least one Caroline icon sometime soon.
Next: Nikita.