I really need more Glee icons.
Glee - 105 - The Rhodes Not Taken
Damn, I really liked Cheno in this. [And I've always found it kind of amazing that her speaking voice sounds like a chipmunk, but when she sings it's like sunshine and rainbows and unicorns and flowers. It's like A MIRACLE HAPPENS.] So to have her sing a bunch of songs -- even though I only knew the Cabaret one [and boy, does Cheno does
an incredible Liza or what?] -- was pretty cool. I did think they focused way too much on her character, but I realize having her around might have made the writers/producers/directors a bit Cheno-happy, so I'm willing to cut them some slack.
And her character was pretty interesting, and it worked well to help push the story forward to what was important in the first place -- which was to get Rachel back to Glee club.
re: Finn. What he did was horrible. I know he does have feelings for Rachel, but taking advantage of her feelings to get what he needed was pretty shitty. [Even more so when she actually asked him why didn't he tell her the truth]. The problem I'm having here is that Cory Monteith and the stage directions make Finn so darn earnest and adorable that even when he's being a jerk, I'm also going "but awww, he's not very smart and he's completely lost and Emma just gave him the possibility of an actual good future so yeah, jerk but cute". And that's pisses me off a bit because I know I'm being manipulated by fiction, and I don't like when that happens.
Oh, Rachel. Rachel, Rachel, Rachel, who knows exactly what she wants but has absolutely NO IDEA what to do to get it, who is so confident about her talent but so insecure about everything else. I liked that she knew exactly what Sandy was doing and still told him she wasn't gonna quit. And I *really* liked it that she realized that when Sue gave her "everything she could possibly want", it really wasn't what she wanted at all.
I'm also pretty good with Rachel's absence from the club being limited to one episode, even though again we have the little problem of the story-arc going on faster than light speed from last week to this. It's almost as if the producers thought 13 episodes were all they were gonna have to tell the story. Still I hope that now that the show's been picked up for the full season, the back 9 eps won't go at such breakneck speed anymore.
And if last episode was a hint, this one was a big fat anvil that Will is AN IDIOT who --
a) actually believes his wife is pregnant even though she doesn't even fake it well;
b) has a major insecurity/mid-life crisis when a high school student tells him he's not a proficient dance instructor;
c) tracks down his now-alcoholic old high-school crush and inflicts her on highly influenceable teenagers.
I guess what's bugging me here is the disconnect I feel between his voiceovers in the pilot -- relatively normal dude who yeah, did something despicable to get Finn to join the club, but still looked and sounded like a reasonable and cool guy. And yet what I see now is desperate loser seriously having a mid-life crisis and trying to revive his good ol'days. Which, if you think of it, is very disturbing in that TERRI was right in the pilot, when she went about high school being over and Will not being prom king anymore
But I guess writing it all down makes me digest it all better, and I can deal with Will not being the character I assumed he was in the first couple of episodes.
OTOH, Emma was FREAKING AWESOME. I still have ways to go in loving her, but my problems are with the actress [it's the way she talks and moves, it freaks me out], and not at all with the character. But everything Emma did or said this episode made me root for her and made me realize that maybe she is the truth-speaker in this tale [and not the acerbic sarcastic truth-speaker we're more used to on television]. I'm not entirely sure that is indeed her narrative role, but for now it does look that way.
And I understand this show is ALL about tropes and clichés and stereotypes -- and while Emma does fit a whole variety of them, she's also the single adult on this show that actually cares about the kids, and is the only one trying to make Will see how much of an idiot he's being. So, yeah. Emma rocks.
[Also, best joke of the episode was on her, "Oh, Bambi. I cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy." BWAHAHAHA!]
I actually have stuff to say about other shows [CSI:NY and Being Erica mostly], but this is too long already. Maybe tomorrow. Plus, I'm tired and hungry and kinda itchy [stupid skin allergies!]. So I'm gonna go eat stroganoff and watch SG-1 on Skiffy [Foothold is on! Awesome.] and continue with my yearly West Wing rewatch. Plan is to finish S2 tonight. YES.