I've been at my mother's house in Fortaleza for almost two weeks now -- doing a whole bunch of nothing, just relaxing and enjoying the warm weather... well, now that I'm not incredibly sick with the flu anymore -- first week I was here I was basically another one of my mom's patients [she's a pediatrician *g*].
Being sick and then being tourist-y made me get behind on all sorts of TV/internets stuff, but I've been catching up the last couple of days [rainy afternoons = TV watching], and I have A LOT of TV thoughts to share.
10 Things I Hate About You
The only reason I started watching this show was I was curious as to how they would adapt the movie [which already was an adaptation -- of sorts] into a sitcom. So far I've been pleasantly surprised. Yes, it's a show for 13 year olds, but the cast is [mostly] pretty good, and the writing has enough sass to keep me interested.
And, you know, it's kind of hi-larious being able to watch Gregory Peck's grandson trying to be all deep-voiced and mysterious.
Make It Or Break It
This show is THE. SINGLE. MOST. RIDICULOUS. thing I've EVER watched in my entire life and yet, I'm kind of REALLY hooked. It feels like I'm watching a soap opera for the first time in over a decade: it's a teen drama of the Olympic Gymnasts variety, for crying out loud. And there's AN EVIL GYMNAST, LOLOLOL every time she does something ev0l I just laugh and laugh and laugh some more.
And seriously, out of the three billion characters in this show I only actually like two -- Emily, and Payson's mom -- but now I'm in too deep and I just NEED TO SEE if they'll actually manage to make it to Nationals OMFG. Hee.
Two shallow comments:
- Candace Cameron botoxed herself so badly she can't move A SINGLE MUSCLE in her entire face. It's kind of really scary, but also really really FUNNY.
- It bugs me A LOT A LOT A LOT that the character named "Carter" is a total jerkface douche [who pretends he's not, but he IS] played by a guy who looks like Eric Stoltz in that movie he was Cher's deformed son. THIS IS BLASPHEMY, BECAUSE ALL FICTIONAL CARTERS ARE AWESOME. So I pretend he's called Deformed Doucheface, and I'm good. *g*
Warehouse 13
Best thing about this show is Saul Rubinek and CCH Pounder being their awesomely awesome selves and playing really cool characters.
The worst thing about this show is that they don't play the leads, and instead we get Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly who are basically THE WORST ACTORS IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE and they suck the cool out of every scene -- and the scenes are cool too. And the premise of this show is right up my alley, and they've even been slowly building some mytharc that has the potential for being very interesting... but the two main actors might kill my joy and I might stop watching because of them. We'll see.
On the plus side, they had Joe Flanigan guesting last week and he was NOT the bad guy [nice twist!] and he was looking MIGHTY FINE and can someone PLEASE give the Flan the lead in a quirky cop show like, RIGHT NOW?
Defying Gravity
Okay, so I only saw one person posting about this show, so I'm guessing that either no one watched it or everyone hated it? I watched the first two eps while half-asleep and all through them the phrase "Grey's Anatomy in space" kept running through my head [every review said that], and... this is exactly it, right?
Truth is it offends me a bit that this is marketed as "sci-fi for women" when I'm afraid the first two episodes have VERY LITTLE sci-fi in it except for the sets and special effects. The narrative plot points would've worked just fine if the characters were working anywhere else other than NASA and a spaceship... so yeah, it bugs me when someone comes along and puts regular coupledom drama into a fancy set and calls it science fiction.
OTOH, it does have the potential for becoming actual sci-fi once the story-arc picks up. And it's Laura Harris and Christina Cox being BFFs in space and they are HOTT and awesome and so far the characters look diverse and really interesting, so I'm gonna keep watching until it starts sucking. [Because, OH, the potential for sucking is RIGHT THERE upfront.]
Random tidbit: For some reason Ron Livingston's character is bugging me A LOT and I'm almost certain it's the acting. Weird, I've never had any problems with him before. Oh well.
So far this season is nowhere near as great as S1, but it's the team and they're still highly entertaining and really, you put Parker and Hardison together in any scene and I'm gonna love it no matter what. Awkward UST, man. Totally awesome. :)
And Sophie is not annoying me like she used to back in S1 [I still can't stand the actress though], so I'm calling it a win.
Royal Pains
The thing about Royal Pains for me is that it's the sort of filler TV show that I watch just because I can [and I do mostly forget what's going on the second the episode ends], but while I'm watching it, it's fun and quirky and very entertaining.
I gotta say though, the entire Hank/Jill thing BORES ME TO TEARS OMFG STOP, and the truth is, I'm currently all about Divya, and the possibility of Divya/Evan. YES, please.
In Plain Sight
Confession: I had never 'shipped Mary/Marshall. I truly believed they were just the greatest BFFs ever and I was fine with that. I was also really happy for Mary for opening up to Rafael, for wanting to marry him and for starting to deal with all her abandonment issues and Daddy issues and all that came with it.
So imagine my UTTER SURPRISE when they actually went there and Marshall is in love with Mary [AND HE SAID IT TO HER FACE IN THE TOAST OMFG!] and she's completely oblivious and DUDES. This is gonna HURT A LOT come tonight's season finale, isn't it? I'm almost afraid to watch.
And for the record: whatever Marshall goes, so goes my nation -- thus here am I now 'shipping Mary/Marshall hardcore. Dammit.
Burn Notice
My favorite thing about Burn Notice is that the show gets consistently better with time. I liked S2 better than S1 and now I *really* liked S3 better than the previews seasons as well.
As for the finale, two things that I've already said in a comment elsewhere, but it bears repeating:
1. They can give me Paul Blackthorne [playing a character named O'Neill, no less *g*] anytime they want, because dammit, dude is HOT.
2. I don't even care about Michael/Fiona [their angst bores me A LOT, and I think the actors have NO ROMANTIC CHEMISTRY AT ALL, which is weird because I've always assumed Jeffrey Donovan would have chemistry with anything, but there you go], but it made me REALLY HAPPY that Michael took a stand and killed Strickler because *he chose* Fiona over the stupid burn notice and getting his old job back.
OH MY GOD JAYME RAY NEWMAN IS THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO THIS SHOW. Seriously, it was love at first sight for me when Tess showed up. And I'm loving the interaction between Tess and Jack SO MUCH I! Can't! Even! I'm seriously hoping everyone EVER realizes the awesome that will be Jack/Tess so the Eureka PTB have no option other than keep Tess around forever and ever amen.
[Relatedly, it never ceases to amaze me how this show keeps bringing in new characters and they FIT SO WELL and more often than not become fan favorites instantly. And I'm not at all saying it just because I kinda have a MASSIVE CRUSH on Zane/Niall Matter. *g*]
OTOH, it bugs me that they've turned Allison into this unrecognizable cold powermongering person we've been seeing lately. I get that Nathan died, and that she's pregnant, and she's truly the boss now, but did they really have to make her sound so, I don't know, UNCARING all the time? [And until proven contrary, I'm pretty certain Jack/Allison is still this show's endgame and right now I'm panicking just at the thought of that. NO NO NO PLIS NO WAY NO, really.]
I still have to watch the Psych season premiere, but I think I'm gonna leave that for my flight back home tomorrow.
[I really don't wanna go home. There are cold nights back there, and I'm afraid I'm gonna get sick all over again. :(]