1. I have another two Dreamwidth invites. Anyone still need one? Tell me where to send it!
2. For the first time in I don't know how long [first time *for sure* this year] I'm wearing pants and a coat inside the house. I love you, pseudo!Autumn, you have no idea how much.
3. I've convinced myself that FOX's decision about renewing the bubble shows is gonna turn into a Dollhouse vs. T:TSCC match. Of course I'm probably completely wrong about this, and it's not like I wouldn't tell Joss to go make a Doctor Horrible sequel IN A SECOND, but still. Dammit. [OTOH, if it were true it would be probably worth it just to watch Whedonesque explode. *g*]
4. Here, have a pretty Decemberists cover:
Sarah Jarosz - Shankhill Butchers [right-click-save-as, por favor, obrigada].
Okie. Off to make some lunch [I'm thinking gnochi bolognese. Did I mention how much I love this weather? I means making steaming hot food and being able to eat it too! ♥♥♥] and to watch two football games I couldn't care less about, but I'm gonna amuse myself by watching them simultaneously so that I can't tell which is which by half time. *g*