you're making the drds nervous

Apr 28, 2009 21:26

More about Dreamwidth:

1. Thanks to the brand-new importer, I'm already giving access to everyone on my LJ friendslist via OpenID.

2. Important: you don't need an account there to read AND COMMENT on my DW journal [or anyone else's]. All you gotta do is login with your OpenID account [hint: your LJ address IS your OpenID!]. Just remember that it's very important to VALIDATE YOUR EMAIL -- that way you'll get replies to your comments emailed to you. And also, the folks at DW are planning on sending invites to everyone who validates their email before April 30 -- which is Thursday, people, so go there and dooo eeet!

[Also also, there are plans for the near future to connect OpenID accounts with DW accounts if they share the same validation mail, which is boss because it'll make it even easier to recognize everybody, even if their DW and their LJ and their OpenID have all different usernames. :)]

3. I keep seeing people talking about the division between trust/subscription and... those kind of don't exist for me yet. So if you can read my locked entries on LJ you'll be able to do the same on DW [well, now that I've granted access to everyone :)] because all I'm doing is crossposting anyway. I might start using the access/subscribe thing once the new DW-only people start showing up.

4. My plan is to keep crossposting as usual until Open Beta finishes, and when that's over I'll re-evaluate whether I want LJ or DW to be my main blogging platform. I'll probably never leave LJ completely [and I'll be quite frank here, it's not for the people -- I can read you folks via RSS feed on DW -- but there are certain LJ comms I can't live without and I'm pretty sure they won't move to DW. *g*], but right now my gut feeling is I'll make the DW journal my main one. Still. That's future!Tissa's problem.

5. And did anyone notice the ridiculous header I put up there? *g*


I just wrote "doolhouse" instead of "dollhouse" both on the DVD-R and the cover. My brain-hand coordination is null [nool?] tonight.

tv: farscape, dreamwidth, psa, clarissa explains it all

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