exploding soundtrack that i treasure as mine

Nov 03, 2008 23:26

Meme!Reply to this post and I will pick six of your icons.
Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.
I spent the day collecting icons for this meme, thus:

spoonishly's choices:

1. Fox Mulder in Unrequited [The X-Files], which is an extremely boring episode, but this happens to be my very favorite Mulder cap in the world. He's standing in front of the U.S. flag [though I'm not certain you can tell from the icon] and being all worried and I have a thing about people looking sideways... PLUS season 4 hair is my favorite. Anyway. I made this icon for weirdgirlie and I don't think I ever shared it? But I loved it so much I started using it as well. OH! The little Mulder cartoon in the black background there comes from Scooly's X-Files brush set.

2. Joshua Jackson in a photoshoot I could swear I still had somewhere, but I can't find it neither in my computer nor online. Sorry. I wanted a Fringe-related icon, but I don't like the show enough to CARE to look for caps and whatnot, so I made a Josh icon instead. The UFO and the text are there because I think I'm being funny with comparing Fringe and XF [I know I'm not *g*]. Coincidently, that particular UFO drawing also comes from one of Scooly's brushes and I find it pretty hilarious that these are listed side by side, considering I made the Mulder icon in 2005 and this one last month. *g*

3. Deej from the Tin Man mini-series. She's basically a reinvention of Dorothy and I get a kick out of the fact that she's wearing the outfit in the beginning of the mini. [Also, I might have a HUGE crush on Zooey Deschanel.] The text reads I've slept more films than I have seen / I've talked about dreams that I never ever dreamed from Jenny Wilson's Summertime - The Roughest Time, except only after I had made the icon I realized Let My Shoes Lead Me Forward would have fit better [so I used that in the icon keywords].

4. Toby Ziegler [The West Wing]. Text is my favorite of his quotes [from Five Votes Down]: there's literally no one in the world that I don't hate right now. I don't really have icons that fit my mood -- I've got a moodtheme for that -- but I like using this one when I'm annoyed/irritated/irked.

5. That's the MAC -- Niterói's Contemporary Art Museum. It was designed by Oscar Niemeyer and it's my favorite building in the whole wide world and it's a 10 minute walk away from my place. :) Obs: this is the single textless icon I've ever made that doesn't make me feel like something's missing.

6. Gustavo Borges, Brazilian swimmer. I've had a crush on the guy since Havana's Pan American Games in 1991. YES. re: the icon -- the colors are a bit stupid, but I like how it turned out. Also, I found Gustavo's autograph somewhere online so that's his own handwriting there. Because I'm that much of a creep sometimes. *g*

whisperwords's picks, which ended up being all color-coordinated and made-up of my favorite colors in the world:

1. Spike in Fool for Love [Buffy the Vampire Slayer]. A long time ago I participated in an icon challenge for black & white icons and I decided they had to have some meaning behind them. It's supposed to look like a punk rock hits CD cover, which I'm not even sure it does anymore. But I still like the overall feeling of it.

2. Dawn in the hospital with Joyce in Listening to Fear [Buffy the Vampire Slayer]. I know I'm pretty much the only person in fandom who feels this way, but I love Dawn. Really REALLY love her, temper tantrums and all. So yeah. About the icon: I like it that I took a piece of the green curtain on the right side and made it a border thingy on the left. And I love the little detail of her face, because since I cropped it to the other side, it isn't so obvious that it's the same image as the big one. *g* Text reads sister of mine, won't you grab some sunshine?, from The Rite Flyers' Skyscrapper [which is a band I only know because of Veronica Mars, btw]. Oh, and I drew the little sun on Dawn's shirt.

3. John Crichton in John Quixote [Farscape]. A million years ago Angie and I had these Farscape mix CDs idea and we made icons for each of the songs. This was one of my icons, for Heather Nova's Blood of Me. To this day it's my favorite Crichton icon I've made.

4. Starbuck in Flesh and Blood [Battlestar Galactica]. So. This is my FUNNY! icon. Except it's not funny at all unless you know cylons = toasters and you've listened to The Flaming Lips' Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots part 1, which is why I'm uploading it, so go listen to that and then come back and look at the icon. *g*

5. Nathan Fillion looking down and sideways, do I need to say more? I love this image, and I think it turned into a great icon.

6. Starbuck again, in You Can't Go Home Again. The cap came from mouthfullofdust the last time I took icon requests. Text is I killed my dinner with karate -- kick'em in the face, taste the body; shallow work is the work that I do from Joanna Newsom's The Book of Right On. Which is just perfect for Kara.

tlace gave me these:

1. That's Magali, from the Turma da Mônica comics. Which are my favorite comics in the world -- with Magali being my favorite character because ever since she got her own book, she got a personality transplant and became sort of a floozy, but I just find her the most hilarious thing EVER. Anyway. Everyone in Brazil has read tons of these comics at one point in their life or another [considering they've been around and widely popular since the 60s and all]. And the truth is I learned to read with these comics, so I have the biggest possible emotional attachment to them.

2. Cecil B. Demented, from the John Waters movie of the same name. He's a guerrilla filmmaker and the movie crew kidnaps a superstar and then it's the greatest thing ever. I love John Waters any day of the week, but when he makes movies about movies I just wanna SQUISH him forever. Punish Bad Cinema is something they say several times throughout the movie. And I like using this icon when I'm trashing Hollywood crap. [Even though I sort of hate the pop-art thingy going on there, but I'm too lazy to remake it. *g*]

3. Tony Stark and Pepper Potts from the Iron Man movie, in my favorite scene. And there's the Iron Man suit silhouette in white up there in the blue part, although it looks like a weird cloud now? Oh well. I really like the coloring here, because I usually have A LOT of trouble with blues, but this one worked out well. Lyrics are Metric's Grow Up and Blow Away, which is my cheat-song for when I don't know what to write on an icon -- because it fits every single character I like. *g*

4. Ronon in Sateda [Stargate: Atlantis]. So. I don't even like SGA anymore. Nor I care about Ronon anymore. And truth is I find this episode pretty lame -- GREAT cinematography and camera work, sure, but everything else is lame lame laaame. And the text comes from Foo Fighters' Generator, which is a song I don't particularly like either. I think it was playing when I made this icon? In short: I don't know why I still have this icon uploaded. Heh.

5. Hi, I'm a geek. I've known this joke since Computer Science High School, but I had totally forgotten about it until it showed up on a NCIS episode and I just HAD to make an icon. In time: 10 = 2 in binary.

6. Jonas Quinn in Redemption [Stargate SG-1]. Truestory: I like Jonas a billion trillion times better than Daniel. Also, Jonas is totally my Stargate boyfriend. Except I've had the hardest time in the world iconning him and would probably have gone without an icon of him if it weren't for jujubinha requesting it. Yup. Anywho. Text is the universe is shaped exactly like the earth if you go straight long enough you'll end up where you were, from Modest Mouse's 3rd Planet. And I just realized that THAT would only make sense to you if you knew that Jonas is an alien. So now you know. *g*

_jems_'s picks:

1. Mafalda. She's the main character of a comic strip written by Argentine cartoonist Quino. I love that comic strip like WHOA. And someday soon I'll tattoo the exact image on this icon on my right shoulder blade. YES.

2. This is a crop of the UK cover of Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash. Which happens to be my favorite book in the whole wide universe. I even have the tag to prove it. :)

3. Joey and Pacey in Coming Home [Dawson's Creek]. Yes, it's a radioactive orange icon, and yes, I used a pixel font there, but I still love this icon to teeny tiny bits. I really dig the superimposed images. And it's okay that no one else likes it, it's my icon and I'll use it if I want to. *g* Also, hearts & arrows comes from Run Like Mad [by Jann Arden] the song that was used in the DC credits when they aired the first couple os seasons here [and I'm guessing everywhere else outside the U.S.?], and I like tons better than Paula Cole's I Don't Wanna Wait.

4. That's Bones in the Bones pilot. This image has been iconned by EVERYONE EVER, but there's a reason -- it's a kick-ass cap. I like the light thing I've got going on there, and the blues worked, which always makes me happy. The text is it may break your heart to break her bones from The Decemberists' Culling of the Fold, which is a horrible, terribly awful song to relate to anyone, fictional or not, but I do relate it to Bones and I just can't help myself. But if it's any consolation, Bones is the character on TV that I relate to the most these days, so there you go.

5. Barney & Robin in Sandcastles in the Sand [How I Met Your Mother]. So, here's where I prove what a TOTAL HACK I am because everyone keeps talking to me about the background in this icon and seriously guys, I just cropped random pieces of other crap and put it together. In detail:
. The green border on both sides come from this picture I took at Juju's house in Friburgo.
. The red strip is just that, it didn't come from anywhere.
. The yellowish thing on the left side is the photo strip from Amèlie.
. Right below the photo strip is this picture I took at a fort here in Nikity.
. The red telefone comes from Lola Rennt.
. All of the background in the middle comes from several pieces of these scanned pages from my [Veronica Mars'] Plan B review.
. And finally, the black blob and the text above it on the right side of the icon is actually a piece of this icon.


6. Abby Sciuto [NCIS]. I love Abby, she's definitely my favorite character on NCIS. jujubinha requested this icon -- well, she gave me the image and I decided to go text-crossover and used I can kill you with my brain, which is a River quote from Firefly. Except Abby could possibly kill someone with her own brain as well. Hee. Anyway. Most of the background in here also comes from the scanned pages of my Plan B review, except for the part that comes from my old Lorelai header. Because I AM A HACK.


Whew. That took TWO HOURS to write. There goes another notch up my I might be insane tag.


tv: farscape, tv: battlestar galactica, meme, tv: ncis, tv: stargate atlantis, nikity, tv: buffy, tv: firefly, tv: how i met your mother, comics: mafalda, i might be insane, tv: fringe, comics: turma da monica, tv: veronica mars, tv: gilmore girls, icon musings, tv: stargate sg-1, stupid crushes, books: snow crash, fox mulder, movies: iron man, tv: dawson's creek, nathan fillion, neal stephenson, tv: west wing, joshua jackson, tv: x-files, geeks are love, tv: bones

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