Spaceballs: The Animated Series. [!!!] Why didn't anyone tell me about this? You're all fired.
Another SG-1 fic rec:
Let Go and Hold On, by Rachel500. Jack/Sam, post Threads, with some great ties to Grace, Moebius and even the Ori stuff. Also filled with A LOT of team-y goodness, which is always a bonus.
Dialog excerpt of awesomeness:
‘OK, Daniel,’ Jack said, straightening, ‘where’s this Doomsday machine?’
‘I don’t know.’ Daniel said, looking around the operations room with bemusement.
‘You don’t know?’ Jack said exasperated.
‘I don’t know.’ Daniel shot back.
‘And by don’t know, you mean?’ Jack bit out.
‘I mean, I don’t know.’ Daniel glared at him. ‘Why would you automatically think I would know?’
‘You are the expert on the Ancients.’ Jack pointed out. ‘You’ve been one of the glowy club before.’
‘And you’ve had the knowledge of the Ancients downloaded twice into your head.’ Daniel retorted. ‘But I don’t assume you remember it.’
They glared at each other.
Jack rubbed the back of his neck. ‘So, you don’t know.’
‘I don’t know.’ Daniel repeated.
I was gonna write at length about Fringe, but I'm tired so I'll cheat and copy & paste a comment I made to Steph:re: Fringe: looking at it objectively, this episode was way better than the first two -- the pacing was good [finally!], the creepy stuff of the week was interesting for once and the whole story arc setup is showing a lot more potential now.
However, ALL characters might as well be played by robots [chimps? Same diff] because they're completely IMPOSSIBLE to relate to or empathize with. Which makes it *really* hard to actually CARE about the show.
Hey, Felicia Day was on House! Which was nice and all, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna stop watching it weekly and let the episodes pile up so I can marathon them all at once. I'd rather not have a whole week to think about each episode, because that's making me hate everyone in this show.
A single comment on last night's Bones: ZAAAACK! ZACKARONI, YOU'RE BAAAACK! PLIS DON'T GO AWAY AGAIN I MISS YOU! [Okay, another comment: the UST between Booth & Brennan is starting to bug me BIGTIME omfg get a room already!]
Shallow thoughts on
CSI: NY - 501 - Veritas:
. AJ Buckley and Robert Joy are in the main credits! YAY!
. Dear Anna Belknap: you used to have the prettiest hair in the world ever, WHY DID YOU RUIN IT? Seriously, it looks like you're wearing a wig. That you picked with your eyes closed. In the dark. UGH.
. The point of Flack having a sister was what, exactly? Is she gonna be recurring? 'Cause that was pretty pointless.
. I spent half of the episode wondering where the hell was Stella, but then she showed up and there was HANGING FROM A BUILDING and it was awesome.
. Mac >>>>>> everyone else, KTHANXBAI.
Sidenote: I've been so cranky today I'm irritating myself. I even watched [The West Wing's] Election Night during lunch hour to unwind a bit, which helped, but the effect has long passed. I'm actually afraid of watching anything else I love in fear that my crankiness will turn it sour. So I'm thinking I'll find some really awful movie on TV and mock it senseless? Or some really awful high school AU-type fic? Ugh.
I wish I could just crash, but unfortunately, sleeping off my moods is not an option when you're me. Stupid overactive brain. /whine