1. First and foremost:
bestest picture EVAH [casting spoilers for Stargate: Atlantis S5].
2. Today was the last national holiday of the year. Well -- it's not that there aren't any more holidays, it's just that from now until Christmas every single holiday in Brazil is either a Saturday or a Sunday. 2008 = MADE OF FAIL.
3. And when I said I wasn't gonna watch Iron Man at the movies again I was totally lying, because hi, fifth time this evening. I'm not even gonna be ashamed of my ridiculousness anymore. [Apropos, I've added more images to the
promo gallery.]
[3.5. Never mind the fact that I've been re-watching Ally McBeal S4. Oh, Larry. ♥]
[3.5.a. Anyone knows where one can find decent Ally S4 caps? My google-fu is totally failing me.]
4. I suck and I didn't post anything yesterday about my favorite female characters [Indiana Jones' fault!], so I'm gonna cheat a little bit and turn this into icon request time -- ask me for an icon of a female character you love and I'll make it for you. Any fandom, any character, even. The one requirement [other then the female thing] is that I like my icons to have text in them, so please give me a cap AND text, k?
Ready? Steady? GO.