i fought the war but the war won't stop for the love of god

Jan 10, 2008 21:22

Fact: the less I sleep I get, the wackier my designs turn. Which is how Juju ended up getting a new header thanks to a sleepless night and a whole lot of caffeine.

Okay, so I got the idea a couple of months ago [I even drew a mock-up back in November!], but the header only came together once I stopped thinking [and sleeping] and started randomly coloring stuff in Rastafari colors. *g* Still, it might be my favorite thing I've done in a really long time.

[ZOMG I fucking manip'ed ELIZABETH WEIR onto a *swing*. For serious. I need help.]

Apropos, and I didn't know this beforehand, but apparently, today is More Joy Day, and since I made Juju happy, I suppose my work here is done. :)


Last chance: icon requests! My plan is to work on these during the weekend, so you guys have until late tomorrow to send/link me pretty images from pretty people in space. K? K.

icon requests, i'm annoying, i might be insane, layouts, lj: love, tv: stargate atlantis

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