help me find my way back in

May 02, 2007 11:46

My girlcrush on Amanda Tapping has reached insane levels, especially after watching the Sanctuary sneak preview about 30 times in the past two days. *g*

[Hey, watch Amanda's welcome too, because hiiii, she's so adorable and awesome and PRETTY!]

But man. The long black hair? The dark contacts? The ACCENT? ZOMG LOVE.

Anyway. I REALLY love the idea of the show -- the sanctuary for monsters premise, the whole Jack the Ripper stuff -- and I do think that if the 'net is the medium, then going as virtual/interactive as possible is the sure way to go. Plus, familiar faces all over, which is always fun to see.

Is it May 14th yet?


I was watching [SG-1's] 2010 last night and Joanna Newsom's Emily had been floating in my mind all day and suddenly the song and the episode matched each other perfectly somehow. I love it when that happens.


joanna newsom, tv: stargate sg-1, i can has a girlcrush, tv: sanctuary, jack/sam, amanda tapping

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