It's interesting to watch a show somewhat detached from fandom, because I end up with completely different opinions from everybody else.
So long, Papa Winchester. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Even with the little bit of redemptive action there in the end, you still win Top #2 in the Most Assholic Father EVER Awards [William Mulder still gets #1]. But you finally did something right, huh? I'm actually glad you're dead, just for the fact that you acknowledged beforehand how bad you screwed Dean up. Dying to save his life was actually required of you by now.
In an unrelated SPN matter, it broke my heart that the rescue scene was all pretty and colorful and sunny but it only lasted like, 30 seconds. Meh.
I'm CRAZY excited about next week though. Casting spoiler of glee! Yay! [Nevermind that John Shiban wrote it, I can look past that. Er. I think. *is also scared*] And I'll take consequences over shock-value plot-points anytime.
I also watched the second episode of Jericho and... eh. I think I'm gonna keep watching for another couple of weeks before I make a final decision, but right now, it's not looking good. Sorry, Skeet Ulrich. [But you're still very pretty!]
I made my version of kids' food for lunch today [meat balls with zucchini & red pepper & tomato sauce + mashed potatoes with cream cheese] and that was the happiest meal I've had in ages. YUM. :)
ETA: My spellchecker's suggestion for assholic? CATHOLIC. I'm pretty sure there's a joke in there.