1. Baaa, sheep:
dtissagirl.vox.com 2. Finished watching House. The musical montages still bug the shit out of me, the only female character in this show I like is Cuddy, Foreman made me cry. Oh, and the season finale was all kinds of awesome. HOWEVER. Am now feeling completely hypochondriac and scared shitless that I'm gonna die of a) a blood clot, b) lupus or c) some crazy rare bacteria that will eat my brain from the inside out.
3. I was internetless all of yesterday [rain + wind = power outage that fried a server at my ISP], so I did nothing but watch the Volleyball World League and...
4. The Studio 60 pilot.
OMG HOW I MISSED SORKIN. I get the complaints -- I too thought the pacing was kind of off [who knows, maybe it'll get re-edited?], and yeah, Amanda Peet hasn't sold me on Jordan, but everything else? JOY. I love Matt and Danny and I love Harriet and I love how the Matt/Harriet break-up story went on and on and on and how this is pretty much Sorkin re-telling the same story he's told many times before, except with new enemies. Speaking of which. I am eternally grateful that Steven Webber plays a dick, because now I can hate the character as much as I hate the actor. WOO.
When you start cooking a meal at 4pm and you haven't eaten anything all day, is this breakfast, lunch or dinner? Such a conundrum.