this time try believing what you hear

May 26, 2006 22:08

...And I kinda sorta [omg TOTALLY] turned Marcia's LJ into Neptune High's bathroom. Hee.


tv: veronica mars s1, layouts

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girlcontinuum May 27 2006, 01:31:25 UTC
Preeetty. When I have my own apartment, it's going to look just like that. I'll have money to buy the apartment *and* redecorate, you see.

(Marcia, quando você vir esse comentário, lembre-se: NÚMERO PAR DE ICONS. Gosh.)


girlcontinuum May 27 2006, 01:33:05 UTC
The bathroom. Not the entire apartment.


spy_barbie May 27 2006, 01:34:34 UTC
wow, you got me scared for a second... ;)

btw, hi! :D


dtissagirl May 27 2006, 01:43:33 UTC
Hey, that color scheme would make for a great kitchen too.

Though not much else in a house. Unless you're in a Pedro Almodóvar movie.


girlcontinuum May 27 2006, 01:55:13 UTC
Ha, I wish. It's more like a Ron Howard movie.


dtissagirl May 27 2006, 02:11:32 UTC
Oh, gah. [Sorta] Apropos. This morning's dialogue:

Marina: Is there any other movie besides X3 that we need to watch?
Tissa: Nope. Rent opened too, but--
Marina: [interrupting] It's CHRIS COLUMBUS. He directed Mrs. Doubtfire! NOOOOOO.

Marina is very smart.


girlcontinuum May 27 2006, 03:17:24 UTC
Dude. Imagine yourself in a theater, after you used your ow hard-earned money to get in, and the words "A film by Chris Columbus" appear on the screen. EW.


weirdgirlie May 27 2006, 01:39:32 UTC
Tá, Clara!

Eu 'tive' que deixar ímpar por hoje por causa do novo icon.
Já vou 'catar' um icon pra uploadar, tá bem? ;p


dtissagirl May 27 2006, 01:41:34 UTC
Marcia, a expressão é "Tá, Andreh!", não importa o nome da pessoa. :P

Ei, vc tá perto de chegar nos 105 icons? *risada maligna*


weirdgirlie May 27 2006, 01:45:36 UTC
Então tá, então. ;p

Estou quase lá.
Eu quero icons de SW, Two and a Half Men e Scrubs, mas não acho. Pelo menos não nos padrões desejados.

[ok, Clara, eu sou chata, mas eu tenho padrões pra icons.. :p]


girlcontinuum May 27 2006, 01:53:01 UTC

Assim, boa sorte, porque até que existem umas duas pessoas que fizeram icons legais de Scrubs uma vez na vida, mas Two and a Half Men? Nunca vi.


weirdgirlie May 27 2006, 01:57:45 UTC
Viu lá? Par!

Pois é, não tem icon de TaHM. E de SW, onde acho? Pq só vi coisas horrendas até agora.


dtissagirl May 27 2006, 02:01:48 UTC
A Angie fez icons de Scrubs!

De SW e Two and a Half Men eu não faço idéia de onde encontrar.


weirdgirlie May 27 2006, 02:12:48 UTC
Eba! Icons!
Thanks, hon.

Cara, agora vou dormir. Só consigo pensar em cair na cama, nesse exato momento. ;p


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