For the folks who download and/or watch shows later than they air on television, here's something that might be useful:
How to Avoid Spoilers in Your Own Friendslist
Filters, people. Filters are A GOOD THING.
Create your filters here. They're fairly easy to use, and if you go
here, you have all of your filters listed and you can just click the one you want to read at a particular time.
I have a filter that consists of everyone BUT the people in my flist that watch Veronica Mars + the VM-related communities. I have another one for Gilmore Girls. Come next season, I'm probably gonna have one for Battlestar Galactica too. This way I can still keep up with my flist and not get spoiled. And I can always go back to my main filter after I've watched the episodes and catch up with the posts I had previously filtered out.
2. I don't know if you guys know about this, but most browsers have a text-only option. I strongly suggest reading your flist using that option if you're scared of being spoiled by icons. Here's how to use this option:
. Netscape: Go to Edit >> Preferences >> Privacy & Security >> Images. Pick the "Do not load any images" option.
. Firefox: Go to Tools >> Options >> Web Features. Uncheck the "Load Pictures" option.
. Internet Explorer: Go to Tools >> Internet Options >> Advanced. Under "Multimedia", uncheck the "Show Images" option.
. Safari: Go to Safari >> Preferences >> Appearance. Uncheck "Display images when page loads."
. Opera: Views >> Images >> All Images, Cache Images Only or No Images. Or you can add a button to the address toolbar: right-click on toolbar >> customize >> buttons >> browser view, and drag "Show All Image" to the toolbar. Click on the button to switch from No Images to All Images anytime you want.
[if anyone could tell me how to do it with Opera, Safari, etc, I can edit this post with the instructions.]
And of course, you can go back to loading your images after you've seen the latest episode. :)