we just work our way around

Dec 30, 2004 11:41

Look! I'm updating! :)

And this is not only an excuse to GIP the pretty pretty icon putinthespark made me. ;)

Actually, I have been sorta keeping up with my flist, even if I haven't been commenting. It's too much of a hassle to do more than one thing at a time in this computer. Sigh.

Well. I don't know if you guys know, but I've never watched Angel S1. BUT. marcele, Marco and I hijacked Marco's brother's DVDs and we've been watching it. DUDE. I LOVE Doyle. Really. So very much. We're only up to episode 5, and already I'm angsting over watching the next few episodes. WOE.

S1 is a lot like early-XF. Monsters of the week, snark and no mythology whatsoever. I like. And Kate! Dude, I ALWAYS forget she exists. Hee. I'm also remembering how much I love Cordelia. And man, Charisma used to be the prettiest woman ever. The only one I can't seem to adore is Angel himself. Heh. I'm still not sure if it's because I think DB can't act for shit or if it's because Angel's the type of character I hate on principle. Like Dawson. Or Harry Potter.

Anyway. This is one of the times I wish I had a digital camera. Because Marcele and I did this straightening thingy to our hairs and, being that I still have the product on [will come out tomorrow morning], I look like some extra on American Dreams.

Or, you know, Betty Rubble. *g*

I still haven't decided if I'm going to the beach house tomorrow. I probably will -- that is my favoritest place in the whole world after all. But the thought of no air-conditioning... GAH. Still. Beach! Cousins! NO PHONES! It's paradise. :)

So. Since I doubt I'll update again before next year. HAPPY 2005, EVERYBODY! :) I'll be back on Sunday. 'Cause my friends and I are throwing a party then. Eeee!

tv: angel, atafona, shallow not stupid, happy new year, gip

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