random pictures/scans sites pimping

Aug 07, 2003 11:43

1. High-Quality BtVS DVD screen grabs. Freaking awesome grabs. The site's in German, but it's no problem on navigation. And did I say the grabs are awesome? I mean, look at it. This site is amazing. They also have Angel DVD Screen Grabs, and their general gallery is drool worthy. They even have a lot of really really high quality scans, something I love with all my being :)

(Needless to say, download-happy!Tissa has had some nice field days lately :D)

I suddenly feel the urge to make icon sets from every single episode of BtVS... Hmmm, wonder if I could pull that off...

2. On that same venue, Alias High-Resolution. Pretty self explanatory site name :) It's a more picture focused site than the great Alias Media, and it's just starting out, but I'm getting a kick out of the quality of pictures and screen grabs they already have online.

3. Lolipop gestapo - some nice Paint Shop Pro tutorials. It's always easy to find really good Photoshop tutorials online, but not so much PSP ones, so I always love when I find one.

4. High Quality Scans sites:
- thru a lens
- doing the impossible
- starnickel
- aisle5
- Scantastic
- sweet release scans
- All Stars Online
- Fever of Fate
- celebrity-scans.com
- velvet chocolate scans
- Sugar High
- Jessica's Website
- Series Lovers
- A Beautiful Reality
- private poet reading
- daydreaming
- mirage

And last but not least, something non picture related:

5. The X-Files Music - I've spent countless nights trying to list and sort out all of XF songs, and now here they are. Also, music from the movie and the other 10/13 productions, Millenium, Harsh Realm and The Lone Gunmen. Oh, and a kick-ass design :)

If you guys have any other interesting link to send me, by all means, do it! :)

(Anyone know of good Farscape DVD grabs site?)

links: high quality scans, links: screencaps

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