Because I'm feeling restless [bitchy], I'll list stuff
you guys love that I hate/can't stand the sight of/think it's ugly-boring-utter-crap/might change my mind about one day just like I did with BtVS. *g*
What? You didn't know I used to hate BtVS? 'Cause I did. Ask any of my friends. Really, go ask
weirdgirlie about it
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Goodbye forEVAH!
*uses SatC icon just to be annoying*
... and I don't think I have an icon of anything you hate. That is unfair, I tell you! Unfair!
Funny how I love about half of the stuff you hate. I even have a fondness for Survivor, if only for hot!Ethan. Seriously, though, I'm a BIG DORKY WUSS whose feelings get hurt when people hate things she loves.
I'm gonna go pout now.
*uses Ross/Rachel icon*
Wait! I HATE Ron Weasley. You have a Ron icon, don't you?
I watched it up to the third season because I kept thinking one day I'd *get* what everyone was so rave-y about it... and then I gave up. And I love Sarah Jessica Parker, always did, so I really wanted to like it. I just... didn't. ;D
My thing with reality shows is that I'm very fictional character oriented. I don't care enough for random strangers to wanna watch them on TV.
Seriously, though, I'm a BIG DORKY WUSS whose feelings get hurt when people hate things she loves.
Awww, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. ::smooches:: I was just thinking about how we can all have completely different tastes and likes and still be friends and like each other and such. Only it came out snarky. ;-) ::is a closet sap::
Wait! I HATE Ron Weasley. You have a Ron icon, don't you?
YES! I do! And not only an icon, but a whole website dedicated to the boy! ::feels vindicated now:: ;-)
Well, I pretty much love *everything* about it, so. The relationship humor amuses me. I ADORE NYC and it makes me all nostalgic for when I lived there. But most of all, I love the friendship between the main four. It makes me all sappy.
Awww, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. ::smooches:: I was just thinking about how we can all have completely different tastes and likes and still be friends and like each other and such. Only it came out snarky. ;-) ::is a closet sap::
Hee, yeah. See, I JUST posted about Sex and the City so I have a tendency to read your post and go, "Oh god, Tissa just read my post and I'm annoying her and she HATES me! WAAAH!"
GAH, that was just my extremely bad timing. ::facepalms:: I only saw your post after I posted mine! And it wasn't annoying at all, you're making me feel like I should give it another change. 'Cause, from my list, the one thing I think I can end up liking is SatC. I guess I need to borrow the DVDs from my best friend to watch it again. :-)
That makes me happy, cause of the things you listed, SatC is the one nearest and dearest to me.
...just don't tell me if you still hate it. *g*
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