This one is for you
little_cinnamon, hope you enjoy it! :)
I'm now back from my summer vacation which this year consisted of a week on the Greek islands (sounds exactly as exotic as it really is :)) and five days atop the very mountain of the gods, Mt Olympus. The latter part of my vacation corrected a gross oversight on my part since I had never climbed on what is admittedly a very handsome mountain (and also the highest and most famous of Greek mountains), though I have trekked in other, much more distant places of the world. Also, I took another couple of impromptu days of vacation (impromptu for me that is, I was deliberating since Sunday) on Monday evening and went with my chum to her holiday house with the aim of pretending to be a fly. This practically means sitting by a window and watching the view*. As a result, this week has been good to me so far and also rather short in terms of work days, so basically, I totally win!
On the other hand (it's normally very practical, but also it sometimes blows that hands come in twos), I found it really hard to relax on, more than some, of my days off. I was contantly overthinking everything and finding it hard to enjoy myself and not get anxious about silly details of life that are actually haunting me even in sleep. Yes, must work on that...
Coming back from my chum's house, I was really really happy to be greeted by my two silly roommates who had invented a new game while I was away. Tha game starts by both of them hiding behind a doorway or a piece of furniture and after slyly stalking each other for a bit and stealthily edging closer, one of them attacks by running towards the other, jumping wildly and menacingly (not) in the air and running back again towards the opposite part of the house. Given that one of them is a 4-month old kitten with traction issues on our marble floors, and the other is a lanky 35-year old man... Well, nuff's said I think!
I like living together with another species, even if being watched** while on the toilette will never stop being disconcerting.
Oops, I guess I've taking this sharing thing a bit too far, heheheh!
* We also did other things.
**I'm talking about the kitten :p