Stolen from
DeadFro and
TiannaLee -You-
::Name:: Daniel Thomas (no last name here, folks :) )
::B-day:: December 21, 1977
::Nickname:: Dan, DC
::Zodiac sign:: Saggitarius/Capricorn Cusp
::Age:: 26, 27 in about a week
::Gender:: Male
::Year Of The:: Snake
::Your Hospital:: White County Memorial
::Your Friends:: Are pretty cool
-Things you do at home-
::How many times do you brush your teeth everyday?:: 2 x's a day
::How long do you brush your teeth?:: I dunno, about 2-3 minutes?
::What time do you eat breakfast?:: Around 9:00 A.M.
::What breafast do you mostly eat?:: Someting from McDonald's: either a sausage, egg, and cheese McGriddle, or a steak, egg, and cheese bagel
::What time do you eat lunch?:: At noon, on my lunchbreak
::How about dinner?:: Usually around 6:00 or 7:00 P.M.
::What time do you wake up in the morning?:: 7:00 A.M. (plus a snooze or two)
::What time do you sleep?:: Usually around 1:00 A.M.
::Month: December
::Day: 13
::Year: 2004
::Time: 9:38 P.M.
::Clothes You are wearing: Blue button-down shirt and Tommy Hillfiger jeans
::TV show you are watching: Nothing right now, but I'm about to watch "Ray" (The Ray Charles Story)
::Room you are in: My office
::Food you are eating: I made tacos. I must say they were AWESOME
::Singer:: Dave Matthews and John Mayer
::Band:: Same as above
::Show:: Futurama, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Mr. Show, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Black Adder
::Store:: Any place that sells DVDs
::Fast food place:: It varies, but right now it's McDonalds, since the McRib is BACK!
::Restaurant:: Moe's or Sublette's
::Food:: Right now, I've had a McRib since they're BACK! (I swear there's addictive narcotics in the sauce)
::Movie:: Shit, I've got so many... LOTR Trilogy, Equilibrium, various comedies
::Friend:: Tianna, Max, Mike
::Color:: Blue
::Cartoon:: Futurama, Family Guy, The Simpsons
::Month:: May or September
::Day:: Sunday
::Age:: 14
::Soda:: Mountain Dew
::State:: Confusion
::Animal:: Charlie and Jadie- MY kitties
::Game:: Tekken Tag, Soul Calibur, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004
-What is your-
::Mother's name:: Judith Ann
::Father's name:: Thomas Dale
::If you have any sibling what are there names?:: Jeff (1/2 brother), Rebecca, Melissa, John, Jason (step siblings)
::(If you have one) what is your pets name?:: Charlie and Jadie
::Teachers name (current teacher):: not in school
::Room like?:: Big white room with two dressers and a blue pinstripe bedspread
::Friends like?:: They like to hang out, watch movies, bullshit, get fucked up
::Best friend like?:: Talkative and funny
::Attitude like?:: Generally happy
-Would You-
::Join "Fear Factor":: No
::Eat a cow's brain for $900.:: Not boiled... if it were prepared right, I'd eat just about anything
::Skip school for no reason:: Yes
::Say "hi" to a hobo:: Why not?
::Skip using the computer for a whole month:: I'd be out of a job
::Be friends with a nerd:: Yep
::Wear the ugliest outfit if someone dared you to:: Hell yea
::Steal money:: Only from orphans... who are they gonna cry to? Their parents?
-If You-
::Changed your name, what would it be?:: I don't know. Let's go with "Dean"
::Won a million dollars, what would you use it for?:: Pay my bills, buy a house, get some cool shit, invest the rest
::Had no money, what would you do?:: Find a job
::Skipped school, what would you be doing right now?:: I usually wanted to skip school to play video games
::Changed your attitude, how would you act?:: More assertive
::changed your age, what age would you be?:: 18, So I could finish college
-Yes or No-
::Are you rich?:: Not monitarily, but I have good friends
::Do you own a car?:: Yes, a 1994 Chevy Lumina Euro Sedan
::Would you be a teacher?:: Yes
::Do you want a pet?:: I have two!
::Are you in school?:: Not currently... soon :)
::Are you mean?:: Only when provoked
::Do you like the color pink?:: Not particularly, but I don't hate it