Nov 24, 2009 23:56
Ok, I'm really flailing over this song "Eternal" which's both written and composed by Jin..(≧∇≦)キャー♪ and performed by Jin & Yamapi
This song will be performed at his friend's wedding as a gift..aww,lucky friend!!! and it's not going to be released into CD and only performed during Yamapi and Jin's solo cons..Why????Remind me again why I cant go?
Anyway, the song has a really sweet tune and lyrics..(Jin should compose more of such songs seriously)
Here are some of the lines that I really like~
たとえば いつかこの世界で
僕らはそれぞれ 同じように出会い
たとえば 願いが 叶うなら
もう二度と あなたにこぼれないように
Awww..How sweet is that?? (´▽`)はぁぁ・・♪
Lyrics credits to maishampoo@LJ